发布时间:2018-01-13 08:16
本文关键词:家乡的凤仙花 出处:《人民司法(天平)》2016年30期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 于家乡 花开花落 种庄稼 鲁西北 精神生活 清明前后 邻居们 把花 乐长 蓖麻叶
[Abstract]:My hometown is located in the northwest of Shandong, where the backcountry, living on the sky, where the people work all day, work in the daytime, so that after a day's strength, the evening backhoe and return home, night head down to sleep. Do not understand what is spiritual life. The same is to plant flowers, in the city is the spirit of the people, cultivate hobbies, in the hometown of people, like planting crops is engraved in the bone habit. Stung, spring thunder ring. The spring rain fell, and naturally it was time to plant flowers. Pure Brightness took out the seeds that had been wrapped in a cloth bag last year, sprinkled them at random behind the door, poured some water and planted some soil, and let the flowers bloom and fall. Be on your own.
【作者单位】: 上海市第三中级人民法院;
【正文快照】: 我的家乡位于鲁西北,那里穷乡僻壤,靠天吃饭。那里的人终日操劳,白天下地劳作,使完了一天的力气,傍晚负锄而归,晚上倒头就睡,不懂什么是精神生活。同样是种花养花,于城里人是陶冶性情,培养爱好,于家乡的人来说,像种庄稼一样是刻在骨子里的习惯。惊蛰过了,春雷响了,春雨落了,就
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