发布时间:2018-01-15 16:45
本文关键词:《诗经》祭祀诗的诗体变迁与程式化叙事探论——以“尸”之主题为个案 出处:《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The cadavers of the sacrificial ancestors exist in the whole process of sacrifice. Related to this, there are a large number of corpse themes in the poems of the Book of songs. The tension relationship between sacrificial poems and ancestral ceremonies determines the presentation of the theme of the corpse, and further influences the development of the poetic structure and the compilation techniques of the Book of songs.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学文学院;
【正文快照】: 尸,即先秦祭祖仪式中受祭神灵或祖先的扮诗皆未描写具体祭仪,尸的动作、言语付之阙演者11,作为公共主题或显或隐地大量存在于如。故《板》《祈父》《采苹》虽含有尸字,但对《诗经》中。此主题并非《诗经》独有,卜辞中分析尸之主题帮助不大。已有“立尸”“延尸”“宾尸”“祝,