本文选题:戏曲艺术 切入点:南戏 出处:《艺术百家》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:While participating in the creation, viewing and singing activities of the Southern Opera (legends), the literati of the Ming Dynasty cut the folk character of the Southern Opera in order to make a correct name for themselves in the creation of the Southern Opera (Legend) and the viewing and singing activities. Not only has the position of the South Opera in the literary world been promoted in theory, but also the old version of the South Opera and the singing form of the South Opera, which were made by the early folk artists, have also been adapted and reformed. Through the all-round packaging and promotion of the South Opera, Finally, the southern opera and its original "folk nature" were successfully cut, and the transition from folk south opera to literati southern opera was completed, which also made the folk southern opera lose its link in the history of opera.
【作者单位】: 温州大学人文学院;
【基金】:2013年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“南戏文献全编整理与研究”(项目编号:13&ZD114)阶段性成果 2014年度浙江省社科规划优势学科重大资助项目“南戏传播研究”(项目编号:14YSK06ZD)阶段性成果 2015年度温州市社会科学重点研究基地课题“南戏《琵琶记》在地方戏中的流传与变异”(项目编号:15jd04)阶段性成果之一
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