发布时间:2018-04-18 07:02
本文选题:毛泽东 + 苏轼 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:毛泽东不仅是一位伟大的领袖人物,而且对中国古典诗词涉猎广泛,有着浓厚的兴趣,阅读圈点批注了许多中国古典诗词,并结合中国革命的雄壮历程创作了一大批优秀词作。公认毛泽东的词作除个别外(《虞美人·枕上》),大都气势磅礴,豪气冲天,属于典型的豪放派词风。文学的创作过程始终贯穿着继承与创新的关系,诗词创作也不例外。毛泽东一方面吸纳古典文学中的精华,另一方面又善于注入新的内容。他以自己的革命经历为创作源泉,熔铸时代特色和个人豪情,将豪放词的发展推向了一个新高峰。 基于毛泽东对豪放词有继承和创新的特点,本文选取豪放词史上的另外两位巨擘,苏东坡和辛弃疾,对三人的作品加以比较分析,辨析毛泽东作品与后两者的异同,梳理出毛泽东对两位古典词人创作的因革关系,充分认识毛泽东词在豪放词史上的重要意义,总结毛泽东的创作经验,为我们的文学创作提供借鉴。 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,在大量研读诗词文本的基础上主要运用文献法和比较法相结合的研究方法,通过对三人作品尤其是代表作品的具体分析,探究毛泽东作品在写作背景、题材内容、创作手法等方面对苏辛豪放词的继承和吸收,以及在题材内容、意象、风格、精神内涵等方面对传统豪放词的开拓革新,并进一步从时代特色、个人情志、湖湘文化、写作态度等主客观方面剖析同中有异,同中有新,新高峰形成的缘由。 本文的创新之处个人认为主要有以下两点:一是把研究视野从常见的思想体系、政治理论成果的研究中抽离出来,分析毛泽东多重身份中容易被人们忽视的作为诗人的一重;二是分析毛泽东的作品时,并没有孤立地阐述毛泽东作品的艺术特色与价值,而是把毛泽东的豪放作品放在豪放词史的长河中,与另外两位豪放大家进行比较研究,探究毛泽东诗词创作对中国古典诗词的因革,充分领略毛泽东诗词的艺术魅力,进而对这位领袖人物有一个全面深刻的认识。
[Abstract]:Mao Zedong is not only a great leader, but also has a wide range of Chinese classical poetry, has a strong interest, reading circle annotated a lot of Chinese classical poetry, and combined with the magnificent course of the Chinese revolution to create a large number of excellent ci.It is acknowledged that Mao Zedong's ci poems, except for a few (Yu Mei pillow), are majestic and majestic, and belong to a typical style of liberalism.The process of literary creation runs through the relationship between inheritance and innovation, and poetry creation is no exception.Mao Zedong, on the one hand, absorbs the essence of classical literature, on the other hand, he is good at injecting new contents.He took his own revolutionary experience as the source of creation, melting the characteristics of the times and personal pride, which pushed the development of bold words to a new peak.Based on Mao Zedong's inheritance and innovation of bold ci, this paper selects the other two giants in the history of bold ci, Su Dongpo and Xin Qiji, to make a comparative analysis of the works of the three men, and to distinguish the similarities and differences between the works of Mao Zedong and the latter two.Combing out Mao Zedong's relation to the revolution of the creation of the two classical poets, fully understanding the important significance of Mao Zedong's ci in the history of bold ci, summing up the creative experience of Mao Zedong, providing us with reference for our literary creation.Under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, based on a large number of studies of poetry texts, this paper mainly uses the method of combining literature and comparative law, through the concrete analysis of the works of three people, especially the representative works.This paper explores Mao Zedong's inheritance and absorption of Su Xin's bold ci in writing background, subject matter content, creative technique and so on, as well as the development and innovation of traditional bold ci in the aspects of subject matter, image, style, spiritual connotation, etc.And further from the characteristics of the times, personal feelings, Huxiang culture, writing attitude and other subjective and objective aspects of the analysis of similarities and differences, the same new, new peak formation reasons.The innovation of this paper is that there are two main points: first, the research field of vision from the common ideological system, political theory research out of the research, analysis of Mao Zedong's multiple identity is easy to be ignored as a poet;Second, when analyzing Mao Zedong's works, he did not explain in isolation the artistic characteristics and value of Mao Zedong's works. Instead, he put Mao Zedong's bold works in the long stream of the history of bold ci, and made a comparative study with the other two bold people.To probe into Mao Zedong's poetry creation to the revolution of Chinese classical poetry, to fully appreciate the artistic charm of Mao Zedong's poetry, and to have a comprehensive and profound understanding of this leader.
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