发布时间:2018-06-20 08:35
本文选题:八股论评 + 小说评点 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:八股文是明清两代科举应试的文体,它肇始于宋经义,完备于明成化年间,盛行于明清两朝。在科举制度化、功利化的影响下,随着明代印刷出版业的兴起,针对指导八股文写作而产生的八股论评也随之产生并兴盛一时。郭绍虞先生曾指出:“明代的文人,殆无不与时文发生关系;明代的文学或文学批评,殆也无不直接间接受着时文的影响。” 而明清时期的小说评点做为中国古代小说的重要批评形式,在其形成及发展过程中受到多种艺术门类批评理论的影响,其中与八股文法的影响关系尤为明显。但由于八股文本身的没落和被鄙弃,对于这方面的研究尚不够深入和全面。本论文试图从记录八股文法的载体——八股论评入手,详尽分析八股论评产生的历史背景,并选取“代圣人立言”和结构安排技巧两个大的方面深入剖析小说评点对于八股论评的全面借鉴。小说做为一种叙事文学体裁,能够从传统诗学理论中汲取的营养非常有限。而大量地借鉴八股文法这种文章学的理论范畴与观念,在一定程度上促进了小说的创作和传播。但随着科举制度的终结,八股文被抛弃和尘封,小说评点也走向了它的终结。本论文结构如下: 第一部分,主要分析八股论评形成的背景。八股论评是在考试制度下形成的特殊评论型文体,其最实际性的作用是指导当时的科举士子。通过对八股论评兴起的社会文化考察,在理论传承影响上对八股论评进行梳理分析。着重分析朝代更迭对社会环境风气的影响;政治制度对考试文体的规定;出版业的兴盛这几个方面的客观原因对八股论评的影响作用,总结出八股论评格式形成的重要原因。 第二部分,总结八股论评的精神内涵。八股文的精神指导是“代圣立言”,由此也就决定了八股论评的标准要遵循“文以载道”。八股论评从内容到形式对八股文法进行了详尽的阐释,这些文法又相应的影响到了小说评点的外在和内涵。虽然这些影响体现在小说评点的诸多层面,但影响最重要的方面首先是精神内涵的传承,这主要包括对于整体性的强调和代圣人立言的儒家精神。通过对“代圣”精神内涵的分析,思想传承的梳理,得出产生如此内涵的原因。同时对比小说评点的精神内涵,在指导思想上分析两种批评文体的影响关系。 第三部分,分析八股论评的结构,以文献分析的方法对相关的评论典籍进行列举分析总结。任何时代文学现象和文学事件都不是偶然产生的,同样,所有的文学形式也都不会孑然独立不与任何文学类别产生关系。通过对比八股论评与小说评点两种文体在结构上的相同点、不同点、前后发生顺序等结构形式,总结出八股论评在结构上对小说评点的影响方式和结果。 结论,笔者得出明清八股论评是对小说评点有影响作用的。这种影响作用的积极方面表现在:促进了小说评点的发生发展,小说评点的盛行又促进了明清小说的流行。同样,由于八股论评本质上的一些弊端在也制约着小说评点的发展。八股论评的根源是僵死的理论模式,且在发展过程中也并未吸收新鲜的血液,导致了这种评点文体的消失灭亡,由于两种评点文体的连带性质,小说评点也由此销声匿迹了。
[Abstract]:The eight essay is the style of the examination of the imperial examination of the two dynasties in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It originated in Song Jingyi, was complete in the Ming and Qing Dynasty and was prevalent in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Under the influence of the institutionalization of the imperial examination and utilitarianism, with the rise of the printing and publishing industry in the Ming Dynasty, the comments on the eight shares of the eight shares which led to the writing of the eight shares have also come into being and flourished. Mr. Guo Shaoyu once pointed out that "The literati in the Ming Dynasty are all closely related to the current texts. The literary or literary criticism in the Ming Dynasty almost always accepted the influence of the time text."
As an important criticism form of Chinese ancient novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it is influenced by many kinds of art class criticism theory in its formation and development, especially the influence of the eight styles of grammar. However, because of the decline and disdain of the eight pieces of text, the research on this aspect is not thorough and comprehensive. The thesis tries to analyze the historical background of the eight shares from the record of the eight shares of the eight shares of grammar, and to analyze the comprehensive reference of the comment on the eight shares by selecting the "sage sage" and the structure arrangement technique in two aspects. The novel is a narrative literature genre and can be from the traditional poetics. The nutrition of the theory is very limited. A large number of the theoretical categories and concepts of the eight strands of grammar, which are used for reference, have promoted the creation and dissemination of the novel to a certain extent. However, with the termination of the imperial examination system, the eight shares are abandoned and dusty, and the comments of the novel have also come to an end.
The first part mainly analyzes the background of the formation of the comment on the eight shares theory. The eight shares theory is a special criticism style which is formed under the examination system. Its most practical role is to guide the imperial examinations at that time. Through the social and cultural investigation of the rise of the eight shares, the analysis of the eight comments on the influence of the theoretical inheritance and the analysis of the dynasties are focused on the analysis of the dynasties. The influence of the change on the atmosphere of the social environment; the regulations of the political system on the style of examination; the influence of the objective reasons for the prosperity of the publishing industry on the evaluation of the eight shares, and the important reasons for the formation of the eight comments on the form of the comment.
The second part summarizes the spiritual connotation of the comment on the theory of the eight shares. The spiritual guidance of the eight shares is "the generation of the holy words", which determines that the criteria for the evaluation of the eight shares should follow the "Wen Yi Dao". The eight shares comment on the eight shares of grammar in detail from the content to the form, which have the corresponding influence on the external and connotation of the novel evaluation. Although these effects are reflected in many aspects of the novel's commentary, the most important aspect of the influence is the inheritance of the spiritual connotation, which includes the emphasis on the integrity and the Confucian spirit of the sage. Through the analysis of the spiritual connotation of the "Saint", the reason for the connotation of the connotation is obtained. The spiritual connotation of the novel commentary points out the influence relationship between the two critical styles in guiding ideology.
The third part is to analyze the structure of the comment on the eight shares, and to sum up the relevant comments and classics by the method of literature analysis. Any literary and literary events of the times are not accidental. Similarly, all the literary forms will not be independent of the category of Ren Hewen. The two types of structural forms, such as the same points of the structure, the different points and the order of the front and back, are said to sum up the ways and results of the influence of the eight shares on the structure of the novel.
The author concludes that the comment on the eight shares of the Ming and Qing Dynasties has an impact on the comment of the novel. The positive aspects of this effect are as follows: promoting the occurrence and development of the novel comments and the popularity of the novels of the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Also, because of the essence of the eight shares, the criticism has also restricted the development of the novels. The root of the comment on the eight shares is the theoretical model of rigid death, and the fresh blood is not absorbed in the process of development, which leads to the disappearance and extinction of this kind of comment style. As a result of the joint nature of the two types of comment style, the criticism of the novel has disappeared.
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1 宋莉华;明清小说评点的广告意识及其传播功能[J];北方论丛;2000年02期
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3 郑铁生;明清小说评点对中国叙事学的意义[J];南开学报;1998年01期
4 金晓民;明清小说评点与科举文化[J];明清小说研究;2003年02期
5 蔡晓初;;八股文谈[J];江西教育学院学报(综合版);1991年04期
6 陈才训;;文章学视野下的明清小说评点[J];求是学刊;2010年02期
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3 金春岚;明清八股文程式研究[D];华东师范大学;2013年