[Abstract]:By using the method of narratology, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the different kinds of stories about marriage and love in Liaozhai, and sums up the same stories according to their types. On this basis, this paper analyzes the specific performance and characteristics of various elements in the narration of heterosexual marriage and love. This paper makes a concrete analysis of the narrative types of different kinds of marriage and love, and combines the narrative types of different kinds of marriage and love with the narrative tradition to dig out the deep connotation of the narrative stories of heterosexual marriage and love. From the whole heterosexual marriage narrative research to the specific text analysis, and then to the special heterosexual marriage narrative group, the narrative theory is combined with the narrative case, and the narrative plot structure is analyzed concretely. Finally, the author draws some thoughts on the narration of different kinds of marriage and love. The first chapter determines the prototype of heterosexual fantasy, the characteristics of heterosexual marriage, the role of heterosexual images and the causes of marriage and love, and then concludes the relationship between the two special characters and the narrative of love and marriage. It explains the double significance of the different characters' image and the narrative classification of heterosexual marriage and love. In the second chapter, the narrative of heterosexual marriage is divided into unit type and multiple type. In the unit type, there are two types according to the result, one is the reward type, the other is the evil punishment type, and the latter is divided into two types according to the process, the love and marriage type and the sexual encounter type. The multiple types are divided into love and marriage due to Enshi, sexual encounter due to Enshi, love and marriage due to evil punishment, sexual encounter due to evil punishment. This paper probes into the functions and forms of the narrative marriage and love relationship in different kinds of stories. The third chapter discusses the time and space of narration, and discusses the significance of them to the story of heterosexual marriage. This paper probes into the relationship between the good and evil characters in the heterogeneous love story and the love and marriage. Chapter four analyzes the narration of heterosexual marriage and love in Liaozhai. Dig out the strange story of Liaozhai the creative power of the narrative of marriage and love. First, Pu Songling's spiritual drive. Pu Songling's living environment and background make this dynamic. Secondly, the author pays attention to the female in the story of heterosexual marriage. The relationship between them forms the author's psychological motive force.
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