[Abstract]:Most of the economic factors in the Jin Dynasty are reflected in the creation of Fu articles, and thus the creation of Fu articles in the Jin Dynasty presents many characteristics corresponding to the economic development at that time. The agglomeration of manors and scribes, accompanied by patriarchal and monarchical politics, enabled the Fu family to have a deep understanding of the property of the manor, which gave birth to a large number of Fu on objects, and in a certain period of time, the development of the economy of Duyi in a certain space, In Duyi Da Fu, the inheritance and new changes of the commercial tour are represented, the famous property of the family is mostly the manor, and the works of returning to the field fully show the self-sufficient enjoyment vision of the manor and describe the benefit of the garden. According to the manor camp near the river, the Fu family has a better understanding of the beauty of Sichuan blasphemy and the theme of the river and sea.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学;
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