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发布时间:2018-09-13 10:28
[Abstract]:New Year's Eve as a festival developed into the Tang Dynasty, has become a year-end festival, deeply valued by people. There are 120 poems about New Year's Eve in Tang Dynasty. This paper tries to combine the active and rich festival folklore of Tang Dynasty with the poetry creation, and makes a detailed study on the cultural connotation, the spirit of the times and the deep national psychology of the festival custom reflected in New Year's Eve's poems. At the same time, it pays special attention to the touch and impact of New Year's Eve's special space-time characteristic and situational atmosphere to the literati's soul, which shows the literati's self-orientation and the attention to the value of life. The full text is divided into four chapters: the first chapter takes New Year's Eve's poems as the main literature basis, combining with the historical materials of Tang Dynasty festival and other literature works about the theme of New Year's Eve, it shows the colorful festival customs of the Tang Dynasty. From a side reflects the Tang Dynasty folk customs complex and changeable new weather. At the same time, it reveals the cultural function contained in it and the survival wisdom of the people, such as the bright welcome to the new, the renewal of consciousness, the strengthening of the ethical kinship, and the adjustment of the people's body and mind. The second chapter discusses the life consciousness in New Year's Eve's poems in Tang Dynasty. New Year's Eve's special space-time characteristics and festive atmosphere can easily arouse the poet's thoughts of time and life, and it is also easy to arouse unearned ambition and regret of life. The strong consciousness of life in New Year's Eve's poems in Tang Dynasty is mainly manifested as: the feeling of time which is breathtaking, the thought of life and death forced to promote anxiety, and the pursuit of feat that is unwilling to be exhausted. It is worth noting that the poets of the Tang Dynasty always try to achieve the transcendence and immortality of life through the persistent pursuit of merit and fame, which embodies the spirit of the times that is positive and enterprising. Chapter three focuses on the emotional implication of New Year's Eve's poems in Tang Dynasty. The loneliness of living in another country is the easiest to trigger the deep yearning of the traveller to his hometown and his closest relatives. This kind of feeling is magnified and highlighted during New Year's Eve's holiday season. Among them, the desolation of wandering and the longing for blood and kinship are the universal emotions contained in it, and the sadness of not returning home is the most contemporary personality emotion. Besides family affection, the sincere and moving friendship between friends and friends is also the main emotion in New Year's Eve's poems in Tang Dynasty. In the last chapter, the author combines the creation of New Year's Eve's poems with the changes of the times, and probes into the characteristics of New Year's Eve's poems in the early, middle and late periods. At the same time, the writer analyzes and combs the poet's unique psychological feelings, spiritual features and poems' refraction to the times under the background of the times. In the early Tang Dynasty, New Year's Eve's poems had more songs and should be written, and their contents were mostly tributes, auspicious words or works that directly reflected the scenery of the festival. New Year's Eve's poems in the prosperous Tang Dynasty have various themes, lofty themes and clear emotional tone, which reflect the optimistic and bold mind of the poets of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. New Year's Eve's poetry in the middle Tang Dynasty is full of the sad voice of the times, and shows more concern for his own life and the expression of secular human feelings in the perspective of attention. In the late Tang Dynasty, the political situation caused by frequent war made the scholars have a pessimistic mentality. New Year's Eve's poems, which were written in this period, were filled with a deep sense of distress and a heavy return to home.


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