[Abstract]:"A Dream of Red Mansions", with millions of words, is the pinnacle of the creation of classical novels in China. It breaks the traditional ways of writing novels and the way of thinking. "A Dream of Red Mansions" not only draws lessons from and summarizes the previous novels, but also absorbs the creative experience and techniques of opera, music, poetry, painting, sculpture and architecture. Cao Xueqin used different styles of poetry to better shape the different characters in the book, there are five absolute, five laws, seven laws, arrangement law, song line, Sao body and so on. According to statistics, there are 233 poems and poems. It can be said that the poems in A Dream of Red Mansions are an important part of the story plot and the image of the characters, and become an organic whole with the novel, so it is necessary to understand the plot of the story.
【作者单位】: 河北建材职业技术学院;
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