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发布时间:2018-11-25 08:43
[Abstract]:Inspired by the liberation of human nature in modern times and "Literature is the study of Man", Lu Xun "A brief History of Chinese Fiction" focuses on the imitation of ancient novels, taking Song and Yuan Dynasty's fictions, Ming's and Qing's "Jin and Tang novels" as examples. From the spirit and form of imitation works, the importance of intentional imitation to the evolution of ancient novels is described. This is the same way as the intertextuality theory of Anick Buyagai's "style imitation, genre imitation". However, compared with those who used intertextuality theory to study the evolution of ancient novels, Lu Xun paid more attention to the importance of the spirit of imitation works to the evolution of novel history. This led to the historical narration of parody works in the light of the style and intention of the novel history, rather than the objective description of imitation phenomenon. From the phenomenon of imitation in ancient novels, it is found that the imitation of literati accelerates the evolution of ancient novels by probing into the blending of elegance and vulgarity in the development of ancient novels and the evolution of the history of novels. The completion of the refined process of ancient novels indicates that the evolution of ancient novels will change from prosperity to decline. These should become the important direction of the study of the history of novels in the future.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学文学院;扬州大学;


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