[Abstract]:In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the bud of capitalist production appeared in the social and economic field, the ideological field was active, and the ideological liberation movement with the nature of enlightenment appeared. In accordance with this, there is also a trend of literary innovation in the field of literature and art-Romanticism. In this romantic literary innovation trend, Tang Xianzu is a dazzling one. In poetry, novels, operas and other aspects of his original views, and throughout which the main melody is to advocate "strange embarrassment", "indignation break" romantic spirit. This article mainly uses the social history research method and the literature research method to sum up Tang Xianzu's romantic literary theory from the angle of comparison between China and the West. On the basis of summarizing the history and present situation of Tang Xianzu's romantic literary theory and the definition of romanticism, the main body of the thesis is divided into three parts: the first part mainly discusses the rise of enlightenment philosophy and romantic trend of thought in the late Ming Dynasty. For the next specific analysis of Tang Xianzu romantic literary connotation laid the theoretical background. The second part mainly discusses the concrete connotation of Tang Xianzu's romantic literary theory, including the literary theory of "sentimentalism", the literary creation theory of "the spiritual self-care dragon", and the surreal form theory of "dream through emotion and drama by dream". The third part is the summary of the paper, specifically analyzes the significance and shortcomings of Tang Xianzu's romantic literary theory. In a word, from the perspective of comparison between China and the West, this paper sums up Tang Xianzu's romantic literary theory, shows the modern color of his literary theory, and enriches the study of Tang Xianzu. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to re-understand the progressive significance of the romantic trend of thought in the late Ming Dynasty.
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