本文关键词: 中国美学史 文本 立场 程序 书写方式 出处:《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》2012年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In the process of deepening the study and writing of Chinese aesthetic history, it needs to enter into the specific writing level. It is a proposition of both learning rationality and operation, that is, establishing the research idea and writing method. The basic map order is: from the text (literature and cultural relic), Theoretical description and artistic fact) interpretation, infusing the distinct spirit of the subject, and then resorting to specific methods of operation. As far as text interpretation is concerned, close reading and appreciation have both support and subversion, The function of correcting the existing or ready-made conclusions is the initial stage and basic engineering of the study and writing of Chinese aesthetic history. The current research and writing of Chinese aesthetic history has a lack of position, criticism of the defects of aphasia. We should adhere to the research and writing of the main position, especially the critical position. So as to reflect the society, aesthetic ideal, corresponding value judgment and value orientation of the current era and the writer. The research subject should hold a high academic attitude towards the object of study, which is overlooking, not parallel, and not looking up. The research and writing introduce aesthetic knowledge, ideal, rational evaluation position and attitude, which are the promotion of the idea and the spiritual demand. In the concrete operation procedure and method, it mainly enters from three levels of view, discussion and discourse. That is, the atmosphere, magnanimity, breast has the whole "leopard", the field of vision is great, take the whole article, the whole person, the entire history as the starting point and the tendency point of the argument and exposition, constructs the theory writing and the artistic fact, the thought spirit and the esthetics spirit, The interactive mechanism between various kinds of aesthetics, that is, the depth of understanding and research, the knowledge of the writing subject, especially the knowledge of the history, the temperature of the discourse, that is, the experience of writing is poetic experience, writing words or spring. It is a kind of narration and analysis that has the feeling. It cuts into the poetics, the philosophy, the history, and the advanced realm of research and writing: poetics, philosophy, history sense.
【作者单位】: 江苏省社会科学院;
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