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发布时间:2018-03-17 15:16

  本文选题:咸学 切入点:美学 出处:《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2004年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:美学处于嬗变之中 ,丑学也在演化之际 ,它们向何处去 ?前景又会如何 ?本文认为 ,华夏的“咸”在精神孕含着美丑兼审的优长 ,《易经》的“咸卦”传导出咸学的先声。早在上古 ,“咸”论已是一种“显学”。虽经历了漫长岁月的文史遮蔽 ,但其“极言感通之理”的纲领性价值依旧被历代有识之士不时披阅。其和光同尘的禀赋肇自远古 ,泯合分裂的大德经磨历劫 ,与道俱化的风韵无远弗届 ,原始要终的本色恒久弥新。提倡“咸”学 ,旨在勾兑雅学俗学 ,契合文学史学 ,扬弃美学丑学 ,陶冶中学西学 ,通化古学今学 ,融和周遭众学。咸学以一学解多学 ,成学又不自矜其学且能通化己学 ,叩道体道之学问慎终追远 ,于此有德。
[Abstract]:Aesthetics is in the process of evolution and ugliness is evolving. Where are they going? What is the future? This paper holds that the "salty" of China has the advantages of beauty and ugliness in the spiritual pregnancy, and the Xiandiao of the Book of changes leads to the forerunner of saltology. As early as ancient times, the theory of "salty" is already a "prominent study". Although it has experienced a long period of literary and historical obscurity, But the programmatic value of his "sense of utterance, sense of understanding" is still being read from time to time by people of insight throughout the ages. His gift of harmony with the same world began from time immemorial. The original essence of the end is eternal and new. The purpose of advocating the "salty" study is to concoct the vulgar study of refined learning, to fit the history of literature, to sublate the study of aesthetic ugliness, to edify the western learning of middle school, and to make the study of ancient learning more modern. Xianxue solves many learning with one learning, becomes a learning and does not cherish its own learning and is able to understand its own learning, percusses the learning of the body of body and Taoism to pursue the distance carefully, and has virtue in this.
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学广东省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地
【基金】:法国政府课题《2 0世纪人文主潮研究》(fs3 40 0 87)


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