本文选题:梁启超 + 美学思想 ; 参考:《文艺争鸣》2008年03期
[Abstract]:One of the important founders and as a representative of Chinese modern aesthetics and literary theory, Liang Qichao and Wang Guowei, Cai Yuanpei in the same historical crossing point 19,20 at the turn of the century cultural impact on the intersection, in China aesthetics, literary theory and culture from the classical to the modern transformation of the important historical extension ladder. However, due to various complicated factors the social politics, but also because of the great complexity, Liang Qichao himself for a long time, research on Liang Qichao's aesthetic and literary theory is lagging behind, the overall appearance and related characteristics, value, limitations, and other aspects has not been fully cleared. This group of articles, "theoretical framework and practical significance of Wang Yuanxiang's" Liang Qichao "interesting" core theory "of Liang Qichao's thought of aesthetic taste" mainly discussed, especially the "taste" of anti utilitarianism and resist materialization and alienation Practical significance illustrates Nie Zhenbin "Liang Qichao." essay "research and create meaning to the original Liang Qichao >" essay "category and related research as the object, revealing the China classical verse and ancient poets of the contribution and significance of Liang Qichao in beauty and emotion as the core. Liang Qichao Du Shuying: < China modern art and literature the main starting point > summed up the study of Liang Qichao in the Chinese literary and academic thinking structure (object, way, method, etc.) theory and academic code, and expand the new made philosophical basis and value orientation and other aspects. The contributions and limitations of Ceng Fanren < > of Liang Qichao's aesthetic education thought the main content of Liang Qichao's aesthetic education thought made a comprehensive carding, especially the uniqueness of Liang Qichao's aesthetic education is discussed, and the contributions and limitations of the two aspects of research has given today's revelation. Liang Qichao Jin Ya" Aesthetics Thought and value of Creative Aesthetics > positioning Liang Qichao for life aesthetics, the overall appearance, theoretical characteristics, academic contribution, the spirit of enlightenment as a relatively systematic summary, with particular emphasis on the integration of life aesthetics spirit and Liang Qichao to "open interest doctrine" and "art of life" the core, adhere to the national position, facing the reality of the impact of principles and methods of question and significance. This article micro macro, involving the main areas of Liang Qichao's aesthetics and literary theory and an important problem, and clearly put forward their own views. I hope this article can further promote the active group, on Liang Qichao's aesthetics, research and discussion this theory, in a speech on promoting 100 words, and for us to further explore the national summary of aesthetics, literary theory, cultural resources to promote, new aesthetics and new construction of the national paper today sunstrong.
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