本文选题:学校美育 + 文化困惑 ; 参考:《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2002年S1期
【摘要】:本文指出由于习惯于二元对立的思维方式 ,致使学校审美教育在多音喧嚣的现实中陷入文化选择的困境并失语。面临全球经济一体化、文化多元化的挑战 ,认为多元文化和谐平衡发展是当代人、当代社会应有的精神生态 ,学校审美教育要尽快走出狭隘、单一的文化选择 ,建立以中国文化为本位、以重铸国魂为价值体系的多元文化审美光谱 ,还学生一个清新、健康的精神生态环境
[Abstract]:This paper points out that due to the habit of thinking in dualistic opposition, aesthetic education in school falls into the dilemma of cultural choice and aphasia in the noisy reality. In the face of the challenge of global economic integration and cultural pluralism, it is believed that the harmonious and balanced development of multiculturalism is the spiritual ecology of contemporary people and contemporary society, and that the aesthetic education in schools should get out of the narrow and single cultural choice as soon as possible. To establish a multi-cultural aesthetic spectrum with Chinese culture as the standard and the national soul as the value system, and to give students a fresh and healthy spiritual ecological environment.
【作者单位】: 北京大学中文系文艺美学
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