本文选题:中国美学 + 双重挤压 ; 参考:《当代文坛》2012年06期
[Abstract]:The modern transformation of Chinese aesthetics has always been restricted and influenced by western culture. The profound changes in China's social system and the impact of the world economy and culture make the modern transformation of Chinese aesthetics double squeezed. Neither on the basis of the western "aesthetics" norms introduced from Japan, nor on the basis of "aesthetics", which is the reflection of the aesthetic experience of Chinese art, can not unilaterally complete the modern transformation of Chinese aesthetics. Only by grasping the trend of the return of Chinese discourse power, basing on the basic elements of Chinese aesthetics, criticizing the basic categories and basic research paradigms, and absorbing the rational elements of western aesthetics, can we profoundly reveal the internal laws of the modern transformation of Chinese aesthetics. To establish the basic frame of contemporary Chinese aesthetics theory system, thus to solve the century difficult problem of modern Chinese aesthetics transformation.
【作者单位】: 四川师范大学文学院;
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