[Abstract]:This is a systematic summary of Chinese aesthetics at the end of the century. "beyond limitations" is a summary of the development of Chinese aesthetics in 2000. While fully affirming the progress of this year's research, the author especially points out that the development of aesthetics in the new century must also get rid of the erosion of this shadow, just as the development of contemporary culture must walk out of the shadow of postmodernism. The basic subject of Chinese aesthetics in the new century is to establish the real contemporary Chinese aesthetics. This aesthetics should not only show Chinese characteristics in a certain sense, but also truly become Chinese humanistic education. A study on the Aesthetic principles of the Progress of stillness. The New advances in the study of Aesthetic principles in 2000 are summarized. It is divided into four parts: (1) aesthetic metaphysics; (2) aesthetic psychology; (3) modern science and technology and aesthetic theory; (4) aesthetic education and natural beauty. Research achievements in the history of western aesthetics. The thesis is divided into three parts: (1) Chinese aesthetic research; (2) western aesthetic research; (3) comparative study of Chinese and western aesthetics. The thesis is divided into four parts: (1) theoretical construction of aesthetic culture; (2) interpretation and criticism of popular culture; (3) study on fashion development of culture; (4) mass media and aesthetic modernity. This summary is of great significance to the development of Chinese aesthetics in the new century. We present this group of written talks in the hope of drawing attention and discussion to this topic.
【作者单位】: 清华大学艺术教育中心
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