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发布时间:2018-10-13 18:31
【摘要】: 现代主义非理性思潮是西方19世纪的一个重要的精神文化事件,其首要的目的是对西方自柏拉图以来的理性中心主义的一种反驳,是对理性二元思维的一种修正。这种反驳与修正内蕴的是对人类精神解放的努力以及复元被主-客对立思维割裂了的生命存在的完整性。现代主义美学非理性转向是一次反叛,是对传统理性主义对生命系统遮蔽的一次强烈的抗争。理性主义以二元认识论为其基础,那么,打破理性遮蔽的有力武器之一就是非理性直觉。事实上,直觉主义也是西方现代主义非理性思潮转向的一个理论起点,随后逐渐深化的非理性主义的理论几乎都是建基于直觉主义理论之上,因此,对直觉思维的研究将是把握西方现代主义美学非理性思潮精神本质的关键。本文首先简略地考察西方的理性思维的历史及其对生命意识的遮蔽的问题。以此出发,结合西方19世纪的社会经济状况简述了现代非理性主义产生的时代背景,为非理性主义思潮的研究做必要的历史背景分析。之后,在生命美学的视角下,着重考察现代主义美学非理性思潮中的直觉主义,从直觉主义的主要理论、思维方式的角度分析了直觉的生命本体性特征。从对直觉主义的生命本体性的分析中,肯定现代主义美学非理性思潮的本质的生命意义。非理性主义思潮的发展渗透至西方社会的各个角落,其中最为突出的是西方现代艺术领域。在直觉主义的生命本体性原则的影响下,现代艺术对传统的最大突破就在于表现艺术的诞生。“表现”的实质就是直觉,是主体生命意识的直觉表现。因此,现代艺术打破了传统的“摹仿”,走向了一条不再依靠任何客观对象的“表现”之途,使艺术也成为主体生命意识的“表现”与延伸,而这,也正是现代主义美学的精神旨归所在。
[Abstract]:The ideological trend of modernism irrationality is an important spiritual and cultural event in the 19th century in the West. Its primary purpose is to refute the rational centralism of the West since Plato and to revise the dual thinking of reason. This rebuttal and revision contains the efforts to liberate the human spirit and the integrality of the existence of life which has been separated by the oppositional thinking of the principal and the object. The irrational turn of modernist aesthetics is a rebellion and a strong struggle against traditional rationalism. Rationalism is based on dual epistemology, so one of the powerful weapons to break the shadow of reason is irrational intuition. As a matter of fact, intuitionism is also a theoretical starting point for the turn of western modernism's irrational trend of thought, and the subsequent deepening of the theory of irrationalism is almost based on the theory of intuitionism. The study of intuitive thinking will be the key to grasp the spirit essence of western modernist aesthetics. This paper first briefly examines the history of rational thinking in the West and its obscurity to the consciousness of life. From this point of view, combined with the social and economic situation of the 19th century in the West, this paper briefly describes the background of the emergence of modern irrationalism, and makes a necessary historical background analysis for the study of the trend of thought of irrationalism. Then, from the perspective of life aesthetics, this paper focuses on the intuitionism in the irrational trend of thought in modernist aesthetics, and analyzes the ontological characteristics of intuition from the perspective of the main theory of intuitionism and the mode of thinking. From the analysis of life Noumenon of intuitionism, the life significance of the essence of non-rational trend of thought in modernist aesthetics is affirmed. The development of irrationalism permeates every corner of the western society, and the most prominent one is the western modern art field. Under the influence of the principle of life Noumenon of intuitionism, the greatest breakthrough of modern art to tradition lies in the birth of expressive art. The essence of "expression" is intuition, which is the intuitive expression of subject's life consciousness. Therefore, modern art has broken the traditional "imitation" and moved towards a path of "expression" which no longer depends on any objective object, making art also become the "expression" and extension of the subject's life consciousness, and this, It is also the spiritual purport of modernist aesthetics.


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