[Abstract]:The word "west" in the history of western aesthetics is only a regional concept, not a political one. Therefore, there is no reason to exclude Marx's aesthetic thoughts from the history of western aesthetics or to oppose them. From the point of view of system theory, the emergence and development of Marxist aesthetics must not leave the "path of world civilization development", it is an integral part of the overall development of western aesthetics. It must be placed in this whole, to study the interrelationship between it and the other components, to determine its unique position and role in the whole, in order to truly grasp it in its essence, Only then can we really outline the true outlook of the development of western aesthetics and even human aesthetics. What is the position of Marxist aesthetics in the history of western aesthetics? Four words can be summarized: connecting the past with the next, or connecting the past with the future. The so-called "inheritance" refers to the theoretical source of Marxist aesthetics, including the relationship between Marx and Hegel and Kant. The so-called "start-down" refers to the influence of Marxist aesthetics on western modern aesthetics. Taking Marx as an example, his aesthetic thought not only absorbs the essence of traditional aesthetics, but also constitutes a great challenge to traditional aesthetics, and has distinct modernity, which, together with contemporary aesthetics, has become one of the driving forces for opening up modern aesthetics. This has a prominent expression in "Economics and philosophy in 1844", which is the pursuit of the unity of man, society and nature, the transcending of idealism and materialism, the fusion of subject and object, the conscious historical consciousness, and the unity of humanities and natural science.
【作者单位】: 湖北大学文学院
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