[Abstract]:Aesthetic experience is the main part of aesthetic activity, and aesthetic experience must be grasped from the point of view of the connection between life activity and aesthetic activity. Aesthetic experience originates from the real life experience, and the aesthetic becomes a castle in the air without the experience and feeling of people's real life. But the real life experience is not equal to the aesthetic experience, it needs to be refined and purified to achieve self-transcendence in order to rise to aesthetic experience. The way of self-transcendence is to transform the original life experience into an object that can be viewed, and to give it a re-experience with an aesthetic attitude, which is the transformation from life experience to experience life, that is, the generation of aesthetic experience. The aesthetic experience after its formation has a process of evolution from simple to deep, that is, through aesthetic perception, aesthetic imagination and aesthetic comprehension and aesthetic pleasure, finally, the sense of life under the realm of "the unity of nature and man" is reached. The overall function of aesthetic activities is fully displayed in the experience of life.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院文学研究所;
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