[Abstract]:The practical aesthetics itself is a theoretical school composed of many theories, which is unfinished and open. The practical aesthetics (whether it is the main school or the non-main school) should be reformed and perfected. Breaking through the thought of epistemology and the thinking mode of dualistic opposition (such as the dichotomy of subject and object), it still has strong vitality and huge space for development. In the course of its development, practical aesthetics has been misunderstood or even distorted by anti-practical estheticians. In fact, as a developing aesthetic view, practical aesthetics has its own distinctive characteristics. Although it inevitably has the brand and limitation of the times in its development process, it still makes breakthroughs in the aspects of individuality, spiritual practice, creation, freedom and dispelling dualistic opposites, and draws lessons from it. It absorbs the reasonable connotation of western modern aesthetics. In the future, practical aesthetics needs to be further developed, especially on the theoretical issues such as the consistency of understanding of category, and so on, and should be more scientific and rigorous, and should be explored and developed plural. Of course, practical aesthetics is not omnipotent, visual field also has certain limitations, and can not cover all the territory of aesthetics, which needs to be complementary with other aesthetic theories. There are two ways to advance the practical aesthetics, one is to tap the potential, to find the opportunity of development, the other is to absorb new ideas to respond and guide the reality. It is necessary to clarify the basic standpoint of practical aesthetics, and on this basis to answer the questions of practical aesthetics on the following issues: transcendence, aesthetic individuality, life concern of practical aesthetics, intersubjectivity of aesthetic activities, etc.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学文学院
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