[Abstract]:Liang Zongdai is a poetics of modern symbolism in China, but his aesthetic thought has not been paid enough attention to. This paper puts it in the cultural context of the first half of the twentieth century and reveals the uniqueness and historical status of its aesthetic thought by comparing it with modern aestheticians. This thesis focuses on the detailed reading of Liang Zongdai's works, and on the basis of the existing academic research results, attempts to examine the academic trend of Chinese aesthetics in the first half of the twentieth century from a new perspective. And with this to locate Liang Zongdai in one of the position. The controversy of science and metaphysics in modern Chinese academic field leads to different academic choices of modern scholars. The scientific method pays attention to the research of the real world, emphasizing the experience and the demonstration, while the philosophical method pays attention to the interpretation of the ontology world, and to the rationality and intuition. This paper studies Liang Zongdai's academic choice and the philosophical characteristics of his aesthetic thoughts. In the process of research, the method of culturology is the main research method of this thesis, and the thesis tries to reveal the cultural orientation of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic thought. In addition, the methods of phenomenology and hermeneutics are applied accordingly. In the process of argumentation, the methods of influence research and comparative study are also the main methods of the thesis. Through the former, the source of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic thought is investigated, and the latter is used to reveal its theoretical characteristics. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction. This part expounds the significance, research status and research methods of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic thought. The second part is divided into five chapters, which is the main part of the thesis. The first chapter mainly discusses Liang Zongdai's cultural personality and academic thought. This chapter reveals Liang Zongdai's multi-directional development track of life. In addition, it also analyzes its scientific thought and philosophy thought. This paper attempts to examine the influence of these two aspects on Liang Zongdai's aesthetic thought. The second chapter mainly discusses Liang Zongdai universe ontology philosophy system and its aesthetic conception theory. This chapter first examines the philosophical characteristics of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic thought. Then, through comparison, the author reveals the difference between his artistic conception theory and modern philosophers and aestheticians. The third chapter mainly discusses Liang Zongdai's aesthetic theory, and further reveals the philosophical characteristics of his theory. This chapter compares the philosophical characteristics of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic theory with that of modern philosophy, and tries to reveal the modernity of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic theory. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes Liang Zongdai poetry literature and art esthetics thought. The content of the study is embodied in three aspects: the analysis of pure poetry theory reveals the change of aesthetic taste of modern poetry from "subject feeling" to "subject wisdom", and the analysis of poetry form theory tries to explain that the form mentioned by Liang Zongdai is "meaningful form"; The analysis of artistic beauty mainly explains the lofty aesthetic style of Liang Zongdai's "wisdom base force" and the aesthetic practical significance of "vivid charm" theory. Chapter five focuses on the logical and aesthetic characteristics of Liang Zongdai's literary criticism. This paper analyzes the logical characteristics of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic criticism practice through the former, and explains its aesthetic experience characteristics through the latter. Chapter six summarizes the contribution, limitation and realistic inspiration of Liang Zongdai's aesthetic thought. The third part is the conclusion. This part is the realistic thinking about contemporary Chinese aesthetics caused by Liang Zongdai's aesthetic research.
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