发布时间:2018-10-30 16:37
【摘要】:正这太可怕了,某人既是鹰又是普罗米修斯:集两者于一身,某人既撕裂自己又被人撕裂。——毕加索这不是偶然碰巧的,十九世纪声称在普罗米修斯身上多面地辨认出自己,但它以一种怪诞(grotesque)的变形来终结这个神话。安德雷·纪德(AndréGide)的《没有缚牢的普罗米修斯》(Prometheus misbound)于1899年凭空出世。借助一
[Abstract]:It is terrible that someone is both an eagle and a Prometheus: a man who, at the same time, tears himself and is torn.-Picasso, who claimed to recognize himself in many ways in Prometheus in the nineteenth century, not by chance, But it ended the myth with a grotesque (grotesque) metamorphosis. Andr 茅 Gide's unbound Prometheus (Prometheus misbound) was born in 1899. With the aid of a
【作者单位】: 浙江省温州大学人文学院
[Abstract]:It is terrible that someone is both an eagle and a Prometheus: a man who, at the same time, tears himself and is torn.-Picasso, who claimed to recognize himself in many ways in Prometheus in the nineteenth century, not by chance, But it ended the myth with a grotesque (grotesque) metamorphosis. Andr 茅 Gide's unbound Prometheus (Prometheus misbound) was born in 1899. With the aid of a
【作者单位】: 浙江省温州大学人文学院
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