[Abstract]:The study of Marxism in the West generally consists of two parts, one of which is to study the relationship between Marxism and socialist countries from the perspectives of political economy, sociology and history, but after the Cold War, The study of Marxism from the perspective of realistic politics is no longer a prominent study in the West. The opposite part is the study of Marxism in the fields of philosophy, culture, aesthetics and ideology, a trend that began in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Sociology, anthropology, linguistics and so on are influenced by Marxist cultural studies, including globalization today. The academic research of Western (Anglo-American) Marxist scholars has a strong sense of reality and problem consciousness, which is manifested in the aesthetic research, that is, focusing on the modern significance of aesthetic discourse and the historical evolution of aesthetic discourse. Historical and practical significance. This is quite different from the aesthetic research in China. This difference is mainly caused by the academic system, social system, academic background and tradition, but it should not be the ultimate obstacle to dialogue and exchange between China and the West. The sense of reality and problem consciousness are the source of academic research and the premise of academic dialogue and exchange from a global perspective.
【作者单位】: 美国杜克大学中国传媒研究所
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