[Abstract]:Starting from Kant's thought that "man is the end", Wang Yuanxiang believes that aesthetic freedom and pleasure without interest can not only exclude the domination of desire and avoid becoming slaves to things, but also cultivate people's feelings of "love" and "respect". If people want to live according to people's way of life, maintain their personal independence and dignity, and enjoy the happiness and happiness of life in the real sense, they can not be separated from aesthetics for a moment. Wang Jianjiang believes that the aesthetics of life theory is rooted in the soil of Chinese culture and has profound ideological resources. He emphasizes the morphological characteristics of the beauty of life and holds that this is not only a transcendence in the study of aesthetic morphology. It also has the dual significance of restoring aesthetic comprehensiveness and constructing harmonious society. Jin Ya believes that life theory aesthetics pays attention to the unity of aesthetics and life, advocates to appreciate the realm of creating life with the charm and spirit of beauty, and has unique academic rationality and practicality. It is not only a kind of theoretical construction, but also a kind of belief in value and practice in practice, which opens up a broad world for the poeticization of life and climbs to beauty, and realizes the harmony, dance and return of life.
【作者单位】: 杭州师范大学中国现代美学与文论研究中心;
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