[Abstract]:From the perspective of aesthetic methodology, based on the discussion of the essence of classical aesthetic art in the East and the West, combined with the current literary and artistic practice, this paper gives the provisions of the present era on the essence of art. This paper holds that the basic characteristics of western classical aesthetics and artistic thought are the study of art by pure philosophy and sociology, the stipulation of art as a special cognitive activity, and the imitation, reproduction and cognition as the essential characteristics of art. Chinese classical aesthetics, on the other hand, mainly observes and studies art by the dialectical unity of ethics and philosophy, artistic philosophy and artistic psychology, regards emotion as the characteristic of art, and defines lyricism and freehand brushwork as the basic characteristics of art. The rationality and one-sidedness of the eastern and western classical aesthetics in the nature of art, as well as the trend of the development of art in the East and the West, show that the thinking and exploration of the essence of art can neither simply adhere to expressionism nor adhere to rationalism, but should abandon their one-sidedness, and make a dialectical synthesis of the artistic essence of the classical aesthetics of the East and the West under the provisions of the present era.
【作者单位】: 山东大学文艺美学研究中心 山东理工大学
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