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发布时间:2018-03-13 00:02

  本文选题:新闻摄影 切入点:摄影史 出处:《兰州大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现代摄影术是在19世纪四十年代随鸦片战争传入中国的,而新闻摄影在中国诞生则延迟到了20世纪初,至今仅经历了一个世纪的发展。在新闻摄影诞生和发展的前半个世纪,恰逢中华民族多事之秋,国内变化剧烈,时局跌宕起伏,军阀混战、资产阶级革命相互交织,全国人民未得喘息之机又遭日寇入侵,内战十年的国共两党再次携手合作,共御外敌。在这段特殊的历史时期,我国的新闻摄影获得了一个绝好的发展机会,同时又面临着诸多磨难;也正是这一段特殊的成长经历,成就了具有中国特色的新闻摄影事业。 本文依托兰州大学特藏文献阅览室和甘肃省图书馆的珍贵历史史料,并结合学者的研究专著和论文,对这一时期的新闻摄影发展历程作一梳理并得出研究结论。本文以摄影史的发展为线索,对新闻摄影的发展划分了不同阶段,并指出每个阶段的摄影特点及意义。 本论文共分为三大部分。 第一部分前言,通过对中国新闻摄影史的研究状况分析,指出较为完整梳理这半个新闻摄影发展历程的必要性和意义。第二部分“新闻摄影与新闻摄影特性”,论证并明确了新闻摄影的内涵和使用范围,同时对新闻摄影的特性作了进一步的探索。 第三部分为本论文的主体部分,本文依据新闻摄影不同发展阶段的特点将之分为五章节。第一节为前新闻摄影阶段,即19世纪40年代至1900年以前,摄影术虽传入中国,但所摄照片并未见诸报端且不具新闻性。第二节为新闻摄影的萌芽阶段,即1900年——1911年辛亥革命之前,国内报纸相继开始刊登新闻照片,但绝大部分为风景和人物静态照,虽也结合文字新闻作辅助报道,但时效性、现场感较差。第三节新闻摄影初步发展阶段,即1912年至1927年之前,画报出现并大量刊登新闻照片,印刷质量较好且时效性、重要性等新闻价值较为突出。第四节新闻摄影的曲折发展阶段,即1927至1937年,正值十年内战,国内新闻摄影发展陷入低迷,同仁报纸一支独秀。第五节人民革命摄影事业的形成及发展阶段,即1937年——1945年,根据地摄影队伍壮大,摄影画报遍地开花,提出富有开创性的新闻摄影理论。
[Abstract]:Modern photography was introduced into China in 1840s with the Opium War, but the birth of news photography in China was delayed to the beginning of 20th century, and has only experienced a century of development. Coinciding with the eventful autumn of the Chinese nation, with dramatic domestic changes, ups and downs in the current situation, melee warlords, intertwined bourgeois revolutions, the people of the whole country were again invaded by the Japanese invaders without breathing room, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, which had been in civil war for ten years, once again joined hands with the two parties. During this special period of history, China's journalistic photography has obtained an excellent opportunity for development, and at the same time it is facing many hardships; it is also this special period of growth experience. Has accomplished the news photography enterprise which has the Chinese characteristic. This paper relies on the valuable historical materials from the special collection reading room of Lanzhou University and the Gansu Provincial Library, and combines with the research monographs and papers of scholars. This paper, taking the development of photography as a clue, divides the development of news photography into different stages, and points out the characteristics and significance of each stage. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part of the preface, through the history of Chinese news photography research situation analysis, The author points out the necessity and significance of the development of news photography. The second part, "News photography and its characteristics", demonstrates and clarifies the connotation and application scope of news photography. At the same time, the characteristics of news photography are further explored. The third part is the main part of this paper, which is divided into five chapters according to the characteristics of different stages of development of news photography. The first section is the stage of pre-news photography, that is, from 1840s to 1900, photography was introduced into China. However, the photos taken were not published in the press and were not newsworthy. The second section was the embryonic stage of news photography, that is, before the Revolution of 1911 from 1900 to 1911, the domestic newspapers began to publish news photos one after another, but most of them were still photographs of landscapes and characters. Although it is also combined with written news for supplementary reporting, it is time-efficient and has a poor sense of scene. Section III, the initial stage of development of news photography, that is, between 1912 and 1927, the pictorial appeared and published a large number of news photos, with good printing quality and timeliness. The importance of journalism and other news values is relatively prominent. The tortuous stage of development of 4th sections of news photography, that is, from 1927 to 1937, coincided with a decade of civil war, and the development of domestic news photography fell into a downturn. The formation and development stage of the people's revolution photography cause in 5th section of our colleague newspaper, that is, from 1937 to 1945, the base area photography troop grows, the photographic pictorial blooms everywhere, puts forward the groundbreaking news photography theory.


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