[Abstract]:This paper focuses on self-portrait photography in contemporary photography. Since the 1840s, the history of selfie portraits has been close to 200 years. Nowadays, selfie portraits, as a common type of photography, have become the creative forms used by many artists. Starting from the history of selfie portraits, this paper classifies the types of selfie portraits and analyzes the specific cases in order to outline a brief history of selfie portraits. This paper attempts to find out the intention and psychological reasons behind portrait photography as a process of self-mapping. To analyze the different reasons and cultural psychology in the seemingly consistent type of self-portrait photography. Finally, the author draws the conclusion that the self in contemporary self-portrait photography is multi-faceted and uncertain. In the face of the extensive selfie phenomenon in contemporary photography, this paper focuses on the selfie of artists, which is different from the broad selfie popular in modern society. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first chapter focuses on the definition and interpretation of the key words and background in the topic of "Analysis of selfie Portrait in Contemporary Photography", which leads to the selfie taken out of the self-portrait from the perspective of the history of painting. From the perspective of photography history, the history and development of selfie portraits are described. The second chapter discusses the types of selfie portrait photography, combining with the artist's case study, the selfie portrait photography is divided into three types: autobiography, body and role playing. In order to analyze the intention of the self-portrait, we analyze the concrete cases of the three types. The third chapter focuses on why we should use photography as a medium to shoot ourselves: reflection photography, from the special relationship between the photographer and the camera, photographs as the reflection of the mirror image to make an analysis. The fourth chapter focuses on the psychoanalysis behind the portrait of selfie, from the visual unconsciousness of photography, the artist's narcissism, self-psychology, photography to shoot their own healing function. Finally, it is concluded that in contemporary photography, the "ego" in the portrait of selfie is the expression of the artist's self-narration and self-concern, which is universal, but its concept is fluid and deconstructed.
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