本文选题:卡西尔 切入点:文艺思想 出处:《山东大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 卡西尔是20世纪最伟大的哲学家、符号学家之一,卡西尔的哲学是一种文化哲学。上世纪80年代中期,他的文艺思想正式传入中国,甘阳、刘述先、关子尹等人翻译了他的经典著作,比如《人论》、《人文科学的逻辑》至今已被出版了将近十次之多,而且每版又经过多次印刷。借用《人民日报》(1989年3月11日)的一篇署名方菲的文章“天才·非理性·道德”中的一句话,哲学家恩斯特·卡西尔在当时不是一个陌生的名字,他的《人论》一书中译本几年前在大学校园很是流行过一阵子。80年代末开始,湖北大学哲学研究所《德国哲学论丛》编委会对卡西尔的文艺思想进行了重点介绍。到了90年代,卡西尔的文艺思想继续缓慢地传播。新世纪以来,卡西尔文艺思想的传播犹如雨后春笋般被广泛传播开来,尽管它属于精英文化,但是在学术界的研究热潮一浪高过一浪,由此也产生了大量的研究成果。本文打算从传播学角度对卡西尔文艺思想在中国的传播进行一番系统梳理,主要分为五个部分: 第一部分介绍了卡西尔文艺思想在中国的传播背景。80年代启蒙运动的兴起为卡西尔文艺思想提供了传播的契机,90年代文化研究使得卡西尔文艺思想能够更快传入并很快形成一股研究热潮。 第二部分是关于卡西尔的文艺思想的概述。康德哲学以及后来的新康德主义马堡学派的思想是卡西尔文艺思想形成的理论土壤,而卡西尔本身的符号形式哲学便是其文艺思想的哲学基础;由于独特的哲学理论背景,从而使得卡西尔的艺术思想呈现出不一样的特点,因此,本章又从艺术构型和艺术功能的角度分析了卡西尔文艺思想的核心内容。 第三部分对卡西尔文艺思想的传播者进行研究。运用传播学的“把关人”、“二级传播”以及“多级传播”等理论将卡西尔文艺思想的传播者分为三类:一是作为第一传播者的卡西尔,重点分析了卡西尔——文艺思想的创造者——所具备的综合素质以及所处的组织和社会环境等因素;二是作为“意见领袖”的翻译者,通过列举自80年代中期至今卡西尔著作的翻译情况,说明卡西尔文艺思想的传播主要依赖于《人文科学的逻辑》以及《人论》等的多次出版和印刷;三是作为“多级传播”的专家、学者,通过刘大基、刘友红和谢冬冰等个案研究来具体阐释多级传播过程中的传播者角色扮演。 第四部分是卡西尔文艺思想传播的内容分析。选取刘大基、刘友红和谢冬冰等人的研究成果,运用传播学中的“选择性接受”理论分析了卡西尔文艺思想在早期传播中的“误读”现象,比如对于“符号”还是“象征”的争论;后期则主要是新的“话语建构”,比如刘大基运用解释学方法阐释卡西尔的文化哲学,刘友红选取了人学的角度,谢冬冰则从美学的表现性入手,所有这些都体现了接受者的“选择性”。 第五部分运用“使用与满足”理论解读卡西尔文艺思想在当代的传播效果。卡西尔文艺思想开辟了一个从文化与符号的双重视角来研究美学与艺术的新方向,注重艺术的形式品格,从而形成了他独特的艺术观;卡西尔符号学继承并超越了索绪尔和皮尔士的符号学,他将符号学研究的范围扩大到人文科学领域,从而催生了符号学研究的许多门类,比如文学符号学;卡西尔文艺思想在中国的传播对于促进新时期文论的现代转型具有重要的价值和意义,有利于走向学术自律化与科学化。
[Abstract]:Cahill is the greatest philosopher in twentieth Century, one of the Semiologist, Cahill philosophy is a kind of cultural philosophy. In the middle of 80s, his literary thought was introduced to Chinese, Gan Yang, Liu Shuxian, Guan Yin et al. Translation of his classic, such as < > > < logical theory, the Humanities has been published nearly ten times, and each edition has been printed many times. People's daily use < > (March 11, 1989) a signed Fangfei article "genius and non rationality and morality" in a word, the philosopher Ernst Cahill in when not a strange name, his "people" on translation of a book in a few years ago in the university campus is very popular for a while.80 began in the late 1970s, Hubei University Institute of philosophy "Deutsche Philosophie > editorial board of the literary thoughts of Cahill were introduced in this paper. By 90s, Cahill's literary Thought continue to spread slowly. Since the new century, the spread of Cahill's literary thought is widely spread like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, although it belongs to the elite culture, but the upsurge in the academic study of a wave after wave, which also produced a large number of research results. This paper is a systematic analysis of Cahill's literary communication in the Chinese thought from the perspective of communication studies, mainly divided into five parts:
The first part introduces the development of Cahill's literary thought in the background of.80's Chinese spread enlightenment provides a communication opportunity for Cahill's literary theory, cultural studies in 90s made Cassirer's literary thought communicated quickly into and soon formed a research upsurge.
The second part is an overview of Cahill's literary thought. Kantianism and Neo Kantianism Marburg School of thought is the theory of soil formation of Cahill's literary theory, and the philosophy of symbolic forms Cahill itself is the philosophical basis of literary theory; the background of unique philosophical theory, Cassirer's artistic thoughts present the characteristics, not the same therefore, this chapter from the perspective of art configuration and art function analysis of the core content of Cahill's literary thought.
The third part researches on the spread of Cahill's literary thought. The use of communication "gatekeeper", "two level communication" and "multi-level communication theory will spread of Cahill's literary thought is divided into three categories: one is as the first disseminator of Cahill, focuses on the analysis of the comprehensive quality of Cahill's literary thought the creator and the organizational and social environment factors; two as" opinion leaders "through the list of translators, from the middle of 80s since the translation of the works of Cahill, to illustrate the propagation of Cahill's literary thoughts mainly depends on the logic of the humanities < > and < > of the publishing and printing times three; as multi-level communication experts, scholars, by Liu Daji, Liu Youhong and Xie Dongbing as the case to study their propagation process specific interpretation multi-level propagation angle in color Play the role.
The fourth part is the analysis of the spread of Cahill's literary thoughts. Selected Liu Daji, Liu Youhong and Xie Dongbing's research results, the use of communication in the "selective acceptance" theory to analyze the literary thought of Cahill in the early spread of "Misreading", such as "sign" or "symbolic" argument; the latter is new the "Discourse", cultural philosophy, such as Liu Daji Cahill explained using the method of hermeneutics, Liu Youhong selected the human perspective, Xie Dongbing is from the performance of the aesthetic of all these are reflected in the recipient's "selective".
The fifth part of the use of "use and satisfaction" theory of Cassirer literary thought in contemporary communication effect. The new direction of Cassirer's literary thought has opened up a double perspective from the cultural and symbolic of aesthetics and art, focusing on the artistic form of character, thus formed his unique artistic conception; Cassirer's Semiotics inherits and transcends Saussure and Peirce's Semiotics, he will be a semiotics study to expand humanities, which has spawned many kinds of semiotics, such as literary semiotics; spread in China Cassirer's literary thought has important value and significance for the promotion of the modern transformation of literary theory in the new period, is conducive to the academic discipline and scientific.
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