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发布时间:2018-03-24 22:41

  本文选题:操控 切入点:改写 出处:《东北林业大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪70年代以前,包括语言学派在内的诸多翻译研究者的关注焦点主要集中在“怎么译”上,以及“直译”或“意译”,“可译,,或“不可译”这样一些与翻译行为直接相关的问题。在开展翻译研究时,传统语言学派因其僵硬的语言处理模式和对翻译文化属性的忽视而受到了挑战。翻译研究学者逐渐达成共识,仅仅局限在语言层面上来研究翻译,并不足以反映翻译行为的复杂性,应该在政治、意识形态、经济和文化背景的大环境中,来探讨翻译过程中影响翻译行为的各个层面的因素。这些因素从政治、经济、社会地位等方面来限制和引导译者的翻译行为,译者往往要对原作进行一定程度上的调整,甚至当语言与意识形态发生矛盾时,往往是语言做出让步。20世纪70年代以来,随着翻译研究学派的不断发展壮大而出现翻译研究的文化转向,得到了众多中外翻译研究学者的认同,并为翻译研究开创了新的局面。翻译研究开始了从源语走向译本,从形式走向功能,从规范走向描写,从共时走向历时的转变。如果说翻译学的学科建构是翻译学研究长期的基本理论问题,那么翻译学的文化转向则称得上是当前翻译学研究的热点问题了。 翻译研究的文化转向的代表人物勒弗菲尔指出,所有的翻译实际上都是对原作的改写,但改写者绝对不是没有自己主张的模仿者,他们必将受到自身所处时代的意识形态的影响,一部原著的不同译本之所以千差万别,除去译者自身的语言水平的因素以外,不同译者受着不同意识形态的操纵,也是造成这一现象的直接的重要原因。同时,也正是因为不同时代背景下的意识形态的不同,使得同一原文本的多次改写变得更有意义。 作为中国四大名著之一的《水浒传》,自问世以来,一直深受国内外读者的喜爱,并被翻译成15种以上的语言,50多个译本。目前为止,世界上共出版了4部《水浒传》英译本。每一部英译本的面世都受到了其目的读者群的欢迎和喜爱,然而却遭到了众多传统翻译研究学者的批评。本文将从翻译研究学派的立场,对文化转向的相关理论进行回顾,运用勒弗菲尔的改写理论,从意识形态的视角,采用描写性翻译研究方法,对《水浒传》的四次改写进行历时性研究。并对每一次改写的选材以及翻译策略进行分析,从而进一步验证翻译不是在真空中进行的,它必将受到译者所处时代意识形态等诸多因素的操控。 与中国近年来的贸易顺差不同,在文化交流领域,中国一直处于逆差的状态。科学合理的运用勒弗菲尔的改写理论,分析中国经典文学被改写的背后成因,有助于中国翻译重心由外译中向中译外的转变,从而使得博大精深的中国文化精神为更多世人所知。
[Abstract]:Before the 1970s, many translation researchers, including linguists, focused on how to translate. And "literal" or "free", "translatable," or "untranslatable" issues directly related to translation behavior. The traditional linguistic school is challenged by its rigid language processing mode and neglect of the cultural attributes of translation. Translation scholars have come to a consensus that they only study translation at the linguistic level. It is not enough to reflect the complexity of translation behavior. In the context of politics, ideology, economy and cultural background, we should explore the factors that influence the translation process at all levels. In order to restrict and guide the translator's translation behavior in social status, the translator often adjusts the original work to a certain extent, even when the language and ideology conflict, it is often the language to make concessions since the 1970s. With the development of the school of translation studies, there is a cultural turn in translation studies, which has been recognized by many Chinese and foreign scholars of translation studies, and has opened up a new situation for translation studies. Translation studies have begun to move from source language to translation. From form to function, from norm to description, from synchronic to diachronic transformation. So the cultural turn of translation studies is a hot issue in current translation studies. Lefeield, the representative of the cultural shift in translation studies, points out that all translations are in fact rewriting of the original work, but the rewriters are not imitators without their own ideas. They are bound to be influenced by the ideology of their own time. The reason why different versions of the original work vary greatly is that, apart from the factors of the translator's own language level, different translators are manipulated by different ideologies. At the same time, it is the different ideology in different times that makes the rewriting of the same original text more meaningful. As one of the four famous works in China, the Water margin has been loved by readers at home and abroad since its publication, and has been translated into more than 50 translations in more than 15 languages. Four English versions of Water margin have been published in the world. However, it has been criticized by many traditional translation scholars. From the standpoint of the school of translation studies, this paper reviews the relevant theories of cultural turn, applies Lefel's rewriting theory, and from an ideological perspective. A diachronic study of the four rewrites of Water margin is carried out by means of descriptive translation research, and the selection of materials and translation strategies for each rewriting are analyzed to further verify that translation is not carried out in a vacuum. It is bound to be manipulated by many factors, such as the ideology of the translator's time. Different from China's trade surplus in recent years, in the field of cultural exchange, China has been in a state of deficit. It helps to change the focus of Chinese translation from Chinese translation to Chinese translation, so that the broad and profound spirit of Chinese culture is better known to the world.


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