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发布时间:2018-05-14 00:02

  本文选题:詹姆斯·费伦 + 修辞性叙事理论 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2009年博士论文

【摘要】: 继“认识论转向”、“语言学转向”之后,人文科学又迎来了另一转向——“叙事转向”。(Kreiswirth, 1992, 2005)在玛丽—劳勒·瑞安(Marie-Laure Ryan, 2007: 22)看来,“过去十五年间,‘人文科学的叙事转向’已经让位于无处不在的叙事转向(政治、科学研究、医学、以及认知科学等),很少有词汇能像叙事及其近义词故事那样被广泛使用,甚至是滥用。”从“人文科学的叙事转向”到“无处不在的叙事转向,”叙事转向的扩张无疑向我们传递了这样的讯息——叙事“这一多层面的研究对象正成为多种学科和研究语境的中心论题。”(Herman, 2007a: 4) 自二十世纪九十年代以降,叙事学逐渐淡出解构主义的阴霾,重新崛起,跃居当下文学研究的一门显学。在进入后经典阶段之后,叙事学更是取得了长足的发展,无论是在叙事理论建构还是在叙事批评实践方面皆表现出前所未有的旺盛势头。有鉴于此,申丹等论者说:“当代是西方有史以来‘叙事’最受重视的时期,也是叙事理论最为发达的时期。”(申丹,韩加明,王丽亚,2005:203)论及经典叙事学的复兴、后经典叙事学的兴起以及全球叙事学研究中心的转移(从法国移至北美),第三代“芝加哥学派”的领军人物、著名的后经典修辞性叙事理论家詹姆斯·费伦是不得不提的学术大家。费伦不仅复活了“芝加哥学派”,使之发展到一个新的历史阶段,同时更使得叙事学完成了从经典到后经典的范式转移,促进了叙事学在北美乃至全球范围内的繁荣。 本论文选取费伦的修辞性叙事理论为研究对象,在对国内外费伦研究加以回顾、梳理的基础上,以费伦提出的六个修辞原则为基础,重点探讨了费伦修辞性叙事理论的六个核心论题:叙事进程、人物叙述者、不可靠叙述、叙述聚焦、叙事判断、叙事伦理等,希图由此钩沉费伦修辞性叙事理论的建构机制与运作方式,掌握其修辞性叙事理论的精髓。与此同时,本论文还比较了费伦修辞性叙事理论与经典叙事学以及后经典叙事学其它分支(如认知叙事学、女性主义叙事学、后殖民主义叙事学)之间的异同,力图审视费伦修辞性叙事理论对经典叙事学的继承、超越,探讨它与后经典叙事学其它分支之间的排他、互补关系。本论文的中心旨趣不仅在于系统深入地阐释费伦修辞性叙事理论,剖析其理论“盲点”与“洞见”,澄清当今学界关于费伦修辞性叙事理论的相关偏误,推动国内外的费伦研究,同时也在于审视经典叙事学的批评遗产,回顾后经典叙事学的发展历程,探讨后经典叙事学各个分支之间的排他性与互补性,进而为后经典叙事学的良性发展、为国内叙事理论建构和叙事批评实践提供借鉴。 本论文共分八章。第一章为导论部分。本章首先介绍了费伦在叙事学研究领域的杰出成就、卓越贡献与深远影响。在简要阐释费伦修辞性叙事理论的主要原则与核心论点的同时,重点对中西学界的费伦研究进行了学术史的回顾、梳理与批评。尽管中外学界的费伦研究取得了不俗的成果,但是也存在一些不容忽视的问题。如:研究层面狭窄,过于重复;流于片断式的评介和应用,缺乏系统深入的探讨;存在误读,导致阐释混乱等。本章结尾部分还阐明了论文的研究思路与基本框架。 第二章主要讨论了费伦修辞性叙事理论的第一个方面——叙事进程。如果说费伦的修辞性叙事理论是后经典叙事学的一大亮点,那么叙事进程则是其修辞性叙事理论的亮点。在小说情节研究史上,无论是传统的小说理论家,还是经典叙事学家(俄国形式主义者、法国结构主义者等),无不忽略了读者的作用。费伦认为叙事进程是文本动力(人物与人物之间以及人物与环境之间的不稳定性)与读者动力(读者与叙述者、读者与隐含作者之间的张力)共同作用的结果。无论是费伦对读者动力的引入,还是费伦对混杂型叙事(抒情叙事和人物画叙事)进程的考察,叙事进程理论皆超越了传统的情节诗学。 第三章主要以“人物叙述者”为考察对象。任何叙事文本皆有叙述者的存在。部分西方论者混淆了叙述者的“不可视性”与叙述者的“不存在性”之间的界限,由此得出了叙事文本可以不具有叙述者的偏误性论断。本章在简要回顾西方叙事学界的叙述者研究之余,重点剖析了费伦关于“人物叙述者”的思想与理念。与经典叙事学家不同,费伦以叙述者是否参与事件活动为基准,把叙述者划分为“人物叙述者”和“非人物叙述者”两大基本类型,并在此基础上探讨了人物叙述者的基本类型与功能,验证了“人物叙述”是一门间接交流的艺术这一重要论点。 第四章聚焦于费伦的“不可靠叙述”观。“不可靠叙述”是当下叙事学研究的一个热门话题。在“不可靠叙述”这一论题上,费伦一方面重访了经典修辞性叙事学的精义和要旨,以“叙述者”与“隐含作者”之间的叙述距离为基准,把“不可靠叙述”从原初的两条轴线(事实轴、伦理轴)拓展至三条轴线(事实轴、伦理轴、知识/感知轴),并在此基础上深入探讨了六种类型的“不可靠叙述”:错误的报道、不充分的报道、错误的阐释、不充分的阐释、错误的判断、不充分的判断。另一方面,费伦摆脱了经典修辞性叙事学的束缚和羁绊,以“叙述者”与“作者的读者”之间的叙述距离为基准,在对“不可靠叙述”加以再度考量之后,又将其厘定为“疏远型不可靠性”和“契约型不可靠性”两大类别。与此同时,费伦还探讨了非虚构叙事作品中的不可靠性,开拓了不可靠叙述研究的新领域。本章最后还讨论了费伦的修辞性不可靠叙述观与认知叙事学的不可靠叙述观之间的分歧和互补,指出了不可靠叙述研究的未来方向。 第五章重点论述了费伦的“叙述聚焦”观。经典叙事学家恪守故事与话语之间的界限,认为只有处于故事世界的人物才可以充当聚焦者,而叙述者处于话语世界,不能担任聚焦者。费伦走出了故事与话语之分的教条式囹圄,在挑战西摩·查特曼、杰拉德·普林斯等人关于叙述者无法感知、不能充当聚焦者这一论点的基础上,详细阐述了叙述者充当聚焦者的可能性与效果,并分析了由此产生的双重聚焦现象,打开了叙述聚焦研究的新进路。 第六章着力探讨了费伦的叙事判断观。毫不夸张地说,叙事判断是费伦修辞性叙事理论的一大创举。本章在论述费伦关于叙事判断的七个一般性命题的基础上,重点梳理分析了叙事判断的基本类型和运作机制。在费伦看来,无论是人物、叙述者、隐含作者还是读者,都在叙事进程中做出多重反应,这些反应可以被大致归纳为三种类型:阐释判断、审美判断、伦理判断。本章还论述了三种叙事判断之间的相互关系以及叙事判断之于叙事进程、叙事性、读者的阅读体验等方面的影响。 第七章主要分析了费伦的叙事伦理观。叙事伦理是费伦修辞性叙事理论的一项重要内容,贯穿其整个修辞性叙事理论的始终。二十世纪八九十年代,西方文学研究出现了令人醒目的“伦理转向”。在此背景下,费伦从修辞角度对叙事伦理做出思考,自在情理之中。但与韦恩·布思为代表的小说修辞研究者、玛莎·诺斯鲍姆为代表的哲学研究者、亚当·牛顿为代表的叙事研究者有所不同,费伦首先提出了修辞性叙事伦理“由内而外”的批评路径以及“重构”与“评价”两个步骤。在费伦看来,叙事伦理主要涉及“被讲述者的伦理”、“讲述者的伦理”以及“阅读的伦理”。无论是叙事伦理的重构与评价,还是“被讲述者的伦理”、“讲述者的伦理”以及“阅读的伦理”,皆与“伦理取位”密切相关。本章还分析了叙事伦理在叙事进程、不可靠叙述、叙述聚焦、叙事判断等层面上的运作与表现。 第八章是为论文的“结论”部分。本章总结了全文的讨论要点,指出叙事进程、人物叙述者、不可靠叙述、叙述聚焦、叙事判断、叙事伦理等六个论题构成了费伦整个修辞性叙事理论的核心。在某种意义上说,掌握了这六个论题,就等于掌握了费伦修辞性叙事理论的精髓。通过对这六个核心论题的考察,不难看出,费伦修辞性叙事理论不仅具有动态性、实践性、灵活性、开放性等鲜明特征,而且在经典叙事学与后经典叙事学、叙事诗学与叙事批评实践之间达到了近乎完美的平衡,是为当代西方叙事理论的一个里程碑。
[Abstract]:Following the "turn of epistemology" and "linguistic turn", the humanities have come to another turn - "narrative turn". (Kreiswirth, 1992, 2005), in Mary Lawler Ryan (Marie-Laure Ryan, 2007: 22), "the narrative turn of human arts in the past fifteen years" has made the omnipresent narrative turn. Politics, scientific research, medicine, and cognitive science, etc., few words can be widely used, even misused, like narrative and synonym stories. "From" the narrative turn of the humanities "to" the omnipresent narrative turn, "the expansion of narrative turn has undoubtedly conveys such a message to us. The subject of research is becoming a central topic in many disciplines and research contexts. "(Herman, 2007a: 4)
Since 1990s, narratology has gradually fade out of the haze of deconstruction, and has risen up and leaped into a study of the present literary study. After entering the classical stage, the Narratology has made great progress, both in the construction of narrative theory and in the practice of narrative criticism. In view of this, Shen Dan and other theorists said: "contemporary is the most important time in the history of the western history and the most developed period of narrative theory." (Shen Dan, Han Jiaming, Wang Liya, 2005:203) on the revival of classical narratology, the rise of classical narratology and the transfer of the center of global narratology (from France to France) North America), the leading figure of the third generation of "Chicago school", the famous post classic rhetorical narration theorist James felon is an academic one, which not only revived the "Chicago school", but also made it to a new historical stage, and also made the Syria learn from classic to classic paradigm shift, It promoted the prosperity of narratology in North America and even in the world.
This thesis chooses Fallon's rhetorical narrative theory as the research object. On the basis of the review of the research on Fallon at home and abroad, based on the six rhetorical principles put forward by Fallon, it focuses on six core topics of the rhetorical narrative theory of Fallon: narrative process, character narrator, unreliable narration, narrative focus and narrative judgment. At the same time, this thesis also compares the rhetorical narrative theory with the classical narratology and the other branches of the post classic narratology (such as Cognitive Narratology, feminist narratology, postcolonization). The similarities and differences between the people's doctrine narratology, trying to examine the succession and Transcendence of Fallon's rhetorical narrative theory to the classical narratology, and to explore the complementary relationship between it and the other branches of the post classic narratology. The central purport of this thesis is not only to explain the rhetorical theory of Fallon 'rhetoric, but also to dissect the "blind spot" and "the blind spot" of his theory. "Insight", clarifies the related errors of the rhetorical narrative theory in the contemporary academic circles, and promotes the study of the Valun at home and abroad. At the same time, it also examines the Critical Heritage of classical narratology, reviews the development course of the classical narratology after the review, and probes into the exclusiveness and complementarity between the various branches of the classical narratology, and then to the post classic narratology. Benign development provides reference for the construction of domestic narrative theory and practice of narrative criticism.
This chapter is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. First, this chapter introduces the outstanding achievements, outstanding contribution and far-reaching influence in the field of narratology. At the same time, it gives a brief explanation of the main principles and core arguments of Fallon's rhetorical narrative theory, and focuses on the review of the academic history of the study of the Chinese and Western academics. In spite of the great achievements made in the study of the Chinese and foreign scholars, there are also some problems that can not be ignored. For example, the research level is narrow and overrepeated; it is a fragmentary review and application, the lack of systematic and in-depth discussion; the existence of misreading, and the confusion of interpretation. The end part of this chapter also clarifies the research ideas and basis of the thesis. This framework.
The second chapter mainly discusses the first aspect of Fallon's rhetorical narrative theory, the narrative process. If the rhetorical narrative theory of Fallon is a major highlight of the post classic narratology, then the narrative process is the highlight of its rhetorical narrative theory. The effect of the narrative process is the result of the interaction of the power of text (between characters and characters and the instability between the characters and the environment) and the power of the reader (the tension between the reader and narrator and the reader and the implied author). The introduction of Helen to the reader's power, or the investigation of the process of confounding narrative (Lyric narrative and figure painting), and the theory of narrative process surpassed the traditional plot poetics.
The third chapter mainly focuses on the "character narrator". Any narrative text has the narrator's existence. Some western theorists confuse the boundary between the narrator's "non visibility" and the narrator's "non existence", and thus the narrative text can not have the narrator's error. This chapter briefly reviews the West. Apart from the narrator's research in the circle of narratology, it focuses on the thought and idea of "the character narrator". Unlike the classic narrator, he divides the narrator into two basic types of "character narrator" and "non character narrator" on the basis of whether the narrator participates in the event activity. The basic types and functions of character narrators have verified the important argument that "character narration" is an art of indirect communication.
The fourth chapter focuses on Fallon's "unreliable narration". "Unreliable narration" is a hot topic in the present study of narratology. On the subject of "unreliable narration", he revisited the essence and keynote of classical rhetorical narratology on the one hand, based on the narrative distance between "narrator" and "implied author". "Unreliable narration" extends from the original two axes (factual axis, ethical axis) to three axes (factual axis, ethical axis, knowledge / perception axis), and on this basis explores six types of "unreliable narration": false reports, inadequate reporting, incorrect interpretation, inadequate interpretation, false judgment, and inadequate judgment. On the other hand, Falun gets rid of the shackles and fetters of the classic rhetorical narratology, based on the narrative distance between the narrator and the reader of the author. After reviewing the "unreliable narration" again, it is defined as the two categories of "distant unreliability" and "contract type unreliability". At the time, he also explored the unreliability of the non fiction narrative and opened up a new field of unreliable narrative research. Finally, this chapter also discusses the differences and complementarities between the rhetorical unreliable narration and the unreliable narration of Cognitive Narratology, and points out the future direction of the unreliable narrative study.
The fifth chapter focuses on the "narrative focus" view of felon. The classic narrator scrupulously abides by the boundary between the story and the discourse. It is believed that only the characters in the story world can serve as the focus, and the narrator is in the discourse world and can not be the focus. Chatman, Gerard Prince and others, on the basis of the argument that the narrator is unable to perceive and act as a focus, elaborate on the possibility and effect of the narrator as the focus of the narrator, and analyses the phenomenon of the double focus resulting from the narrator, and opens a new approach to the study of the narrative focus.
The sixth chapter focuses on the narration of Fallon's narrative judgment. It is no exaggeration to say that narrative judgment is a great initiative of Fallon's rhetorical narrative theory. On the basis of seven general propositions of Fallon's narrative judgment, this chapter focuses on the basic types and operating mechanism of narrative judgment. The narrator, the implied author or the reader, makes multiple reactions in the narrative process. These reactions can be roughly summed up in three types: Interpretation judgment, aesthetic judgment, and ethical judgment. This chapter also discusses the relationship between the three narrative judgments and the narrative judgment in the narrative process, the narration, the reader's reading experience and so on. Influence.
The seventh chapter mainly analyzes the narrative ethics of Fallon. Narrative ethics is an important part of the rhetorical narrative theory of Fallon. It runs through the whole rhetorical narrative theory. In 80s and 90s twentieth Century, the western literature research appeared an awakening "Ethical Turn". In this context, Fallon made a rhetorical perspective to the narrative. But with Wayne Booth as the representative of the rhetorical researchers, Martha North Baum as the representative of the philosophical researchers, and Adam Newton as the representative of the narrative researchers, he first proposed the rhetorical narrative ethics "from inside and outside" critical path and "Reconstruction" and "evaluation". Two steps. In the view of Fallon, narrative ethics mainly involves "the ethics of the narrator", "the ethics of the narrator" and "the ethics of reading". Whether it is the reconstruction and evaluation of the narrative ethics, or the ethics of the narrator, the ethics of the narrator and the ethics of reading, it is closely related to the "ethical withdrawal". The chapter also analyzes the operation and performance of narrative ethics in narrative process, unreliable narration, narrative focus, narrative judgment and so on.
The eighth chapter is the "conclusion" part of the paper. This chapter summarizes the main points of the full text. It points out that the narrative process, the narrator, the unreliable narration, the narrative focus, the narrative judgment, the narrative ethics, etc. constitute the core of the whole rhetorical narrative theory of Fallon. In a sense, the mastery of the six topics is equal to the mastery of the six topics. The essence of Fallon's rhetorical narrative theory, through the investigation of the six core topics, it is not difficult to see that the rhetorical narrative theory of Fallon is not only dynamic, practical, flexible and open, but also has reached an almost perfect balance between the classic narratology and the post classic narratology, the narrative poetics and the narrative criticism practice. Heng is a milestone in the contemporary western narrative theory.



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