[Abstract]:On November 25-28, 2016, the National Society for the study of Foreign Literary Theory and Comparative Poetics, the Center for theoretical Studies of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the School of Arts of Jimei University co-hosted "Review and reflection on discourse practice in Literary Theory in the New Century: a New Horizon" in Xiamen. New path, New Space "academic Symposium and the Ninth Annual meeting of the National Society for the study of Foreign Literary Theory and Comparative Poetics." The conference begins a dialogue on the translation and research of contemporary foreign literary theory, the reflection and construction of contemporary Chinese literary theory, and the connection between Chinese and foreign literary theory, which presents the rational reflection of scholars on the practice of literary theory discourse since the new century. The academic reports at the conference were mainly reflected in four aspects: first, advocating literal translation of foreign literary works according to source languages; second, exploring multilingual foreign languages
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