[Abstract]:The sharp relationship between art and technology is changing with the development of technology, the role of science and technology is becoming more and more important, and the boundary between technology and art is becoming more and more blurred, although science and technology and art are not a new topic. But the speed at which new technology is almost out of control has led us to discuss the impact of technological change on artistic creation, narrative techniques and ethical issues, science, big data, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, The emergence of biological genes has also changed the narrative style of art, bringing about ethical issues such as data privacy, Cyborg, inequality of genetic species, and so on. New media materials have caused many problems and disputes in artificial inanimate and artificial living works of art. Ethics, social problems and aesthetic inquiry brought about by the creation of life and practice need to be explored and pondered. Under the background of the development of science and technology to today, this paper ponders the new media art creation way and the development present situation. The rise and development of biological media and the problems and ethical considerations arising from the social development of today are analyzed in detail.
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