[Abstract]:The combination of art design and management is the inevitable trend of social development. With the increasing systematization and complication of the enterprise art design, the art design activity itself needs to carry on the systematic management. The difference between art and culture is bound to lead to different modes of production, lifestyle and behavior. In view of the slow progress of the reform of higher art design education in our country, especially the backward concept of art design management, it is necessary to change the backward concept of art design management and pay attention to the contemporary cultural and creative industries. The use of cross-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary knowledge, complementary advantages, strong combination. Through the scientific analysis of the classic cases of the opening ceremony of the two successful Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, and Beijing, China, in 2004, this paper makes us more aware of the commercial value of artistic design management and the embodiment of social added value. Through the accurate interpretation, the scientific grasp "the context, the person, the affair vein" the important function to the art design management, studies the new culture, the new art and the history, the region, the national tradition has the most profound influence on the present digital age. Explore new ideas, innovation of art design management, create a new model of contemporary art design management, new system. The research features and innovations of this paper are new ideas, new methods and new conclusions. Through the analysis of classic cases, the strategy of "context, events, connections" is embodied and its function in the management of art design is reflected in the grasp of the cut-in point. The "new method" is embodied in the retransplantation of classical art in the field of art design by comparing the cultural differences between China and the West, and taking the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing and Athens, Greece as a classic case. Conclusion New is embodied in the study of new ideas, new models and new systems in the management of contemporary art design by using the theory of interdisciplinary and marginal disciplines, in order to serve the education of contemporary art design better. Through the analysis of the classic artistic planning cases of the opening ceremony of the 28th Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, and the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games in 2008, this subject grasps the starting point, sublimates the innovation points, and leads to the "context, context". The role of the "networking" strategy in the application of concrete cases, the profound understanding of the commercial value and social added value of art and design management, the study of its new ideas and new channels of communication, and the learning of its original creative concepts. Feel its unique audio-visual perception and a brand-new, shocking psychological feeling. The application of strong and powerful people and the creative team composed of luxurious lineup are super-capable, the classical and modern fusion, using the super-space-time technique, show the concept of infinite space; By using digital means and LED, acousto-optic interactive media, we can find the right combination point, realize the retransplantation of classical art in the field of art design at present, display the civilization history and culture of five thousand years in time and space, utilize the modern multimedia technology, and make use of modern multimedia technology. To realize the integration of history and modernity. At the end of the paper, the management of art design is prospected.
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