发布时间:2021-09-15 22:01
吴敬梓,清代最伟大的小说家之一,著作等身,终其一生创作了大量的诗歌、散文和史学著作。而《儒林外史》无疑是奠定其文学地位的代表作。《儒林外史》是中国小说史上的一部带有开创意义的杰作。它奠定了我国讽刺小说的基石,对后来文学的影响是巨大而深远的。因此,在国内外引起很大反响,广受好评。后由著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭翻译成英文,于1996年在湖南长沙出版。《儒林外史》不仅是一部伟大小说,而且是一部讲述日常生活中的中华文化特色的百科全书。它向我们展现了一系列精彩的场景。欣赏之余,我们发现了东西方传统的差异。如何将它们翻译成原汁原味的英语,并让海外读者感到亲切,之后,令他们爱上阅读并明了这些差异呢?答案将呈现在第四章,并列举了大量的例证来回答这些问题。最后,我们会达到无障碍成功交流。这也是论文选取此书研究的原因。据本人在大量文献中对《儒林外史》英译研究资料的搜集和整理,国内学者主要就译者主体性和读者接受情况两个方面进行了研究。这两个方面正是归化、异化翻译策略的研究范畴。归化与异化是美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti),于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出来的。归化研究起源...
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Thesis
1.3 Methodology and Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Relevant Studies on The Scholars and Wu Jingzi
2.1.1 A brief introduction to Wu Jingzi
2.1.2 Relevant Studies on Translation of The Scholars
2.2 A Brief Introduction to Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang
Chapter Three Theories Framework
3.1 Theories Used in the Translation
3.1.1 Skopos Theory
3.1.2” Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” of Yan Fu
3.2 Strategies Applied in Translation
3.2.1 Concepts on Domestication and Foreignization
3.2.2 The Application of Domestication and Foreignization
Chapter Four CasesStudies fromCross-CulturalPerspectives oftheScholars
4.1 Addressing Terms
4.2 Idioms, Poetry, Allusion
4.3 Social Classes ,Protocol Routine
4.4 Wedding Customs, Funeral Customs
4.5 Official Documents
4.6 Costumes, Personality Characteristics
4.7 Feudal Ethical Codes
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1Major Findings of the Study
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for the Future Study
[1]宋词庭院意象形成的文化语境[J]. 学术界. 2013(09)
[2]著作等身的网络技术专家:刘晓辉[J]. 衡水学院学报. 2010(02)
[3]金泳三政权:通过改革建立新秩序[J]. 张晓燕. 中国党政干部论坛. 1994(12)
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Thesis
1.3 Methodology and Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Relevant Studies on The Scholars and Wu Jingzi
2.1.1 A brief introduction to Wu Jingzi
2.1.2 Relevant Studies on Translation of The Scholars
2.2 A Brief Introduction to Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang
Chapter Three Theories Framework
3.1 Theories Used in the Translation
3.1.1 Skopos Theory
3.1.2” Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” of Yan Fu
3.2 Strategies Applied in Translation
3.2.1 Concepts on Domestication and Foreignization
3.2.2 The Application of Domestication and Foreignization
Chapter Four CasesStudies fromCross-CulturalPerspectives oftheScholars
4.1 Addressing Terms
4.2 Idioms, Poetry, Allusion
4.3 Social Classes ,Protocol Routine
4.4 Wedding Customs, Funeral Customs
4.5 Official Documents
4.6 Costumes, Personality Characteristics
4.7 Feudal Ethical Codes
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1Major Findings of the Study
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for the Future Study
[1]宋词庭院意象形成的文化语境[J]. 学术界. 2013(09)
[2]著作等身的网络技术专家:刘晓辉[J]. 衡水学院学报. 2010(02)
[3]金泳三政权:通过改革建立新秩序[J]. 张晓燕. 中国党政干部论坛. 1994(12)