发布时间:2022-01-15 21:21
【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:168 页
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Definition of empathy
1.1.1 Origin of empathy
1.1.2 Cognitive elements in empathy
1.1.3 Affective elements in empathy
1.1.4 Communicative elements in empathy
1.1.5 Empathy vs. sympathy
1.2 A comparison between Chinese and Western empathy
1.3 Previous studies on poetry translation in Hongloumeng
1.3.1 Research contents
1.3.2 Research approaches
1.3.3 Theoretical basis
Chapter Two Poetry and Poetry Translation
2.1 The definition of poetry
2.2 The three basic elements of poetry
2.2.1 Sound
2.2.2 Form
2.2.3 Meaning
2.3 Text types and translating emphases
2.4 The translatability of poetry
2.4.1 Language universals
2.4.2 Common physiological function and emotional response
2.4.3 The support of translation theories
2.4.4 The support of translation practice
2.5 Basic issues for poetry translation
2.5.1 Poetry translation criteria
2.5.2 Poetry translation strategies
Chapter Three Application of the Approach of Empathy in Poetry Translation
3.1 Difficulties of poetry translation
3.1.1 Difficulties caused by linguistic differences
3.1.2 Difficulties caused by grammar differences
3.1.3 Difficulties caused by cultural differences
3.2 Reasons for application of the approach of empathy in poetry translation
3.2.1 Theoretical foundations of the approach of empathy in translation
3.2.2 Practical foundations of the approach of empathy in translation
3.3 Empathetic obstacles in translation
Chapter Four Comparison of Aesthetic Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng
4.1 Hongloumeng and its two translated versions
4.1.1 Poetry in Hongloumeng
4.1.2 About the two English versions of Hongloumeng
4.2 Comparison of aesthetic empathy
4.2.1 Aesthetic empathy in terms of sense
4.2.2 Aesthetic empathy in terms of sound
4.2.3 Aesthetic empathy in terms of form
Chapter Five Comparison of Cultural Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng
5.1 Culture, language, translation and their mutual relationship
5.2 Application of the approach of cultural empathy in literary translation
5.3 Realization of the approach of cultural empathy in literary translation
5.4 Comparison of cultural empathy in poetry translation in Hongloumeng
5.4.1 Comparison of empathy in terms of ecological culture
5.4.2 Comparison of empathy in terms of material culture
5.4.3 Comparison of empathy in terms of social culture
5.4.4 Comparison of empathy in terms of religious culture
5.4.5 Comparison of empathy in terms of linguistic culture
Chapter Six Comparison of Pragmatic Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng
6.1 Theory of pragmatic empathy
6.1.1 Pragma-linguistic empathy
6.1.2 Socio-pragmatic empathy
6.2 Comparison of pragmatic empathy
Chapter Seven Possible Explanations for Two Empathetic Approaches: Empathy to ST and the Author v.s. Empathy to TT and Readers
7.1 Theoretic explanations of empathy
7.1.1 Skopos theory
7.1.2 Hermeneutics
7.1.3 Deconstruction view
7.2 Features of Chinese poetic language that allow for expansion
7.2.1 Vividness
7.2.2. Succinctness
7.2.3 Implicitness
7.3 Subjectivity —as an undeniable fact
7.3.1 Language subjectivity
7.3.2 Translator’s subjectivity
[1]从语用移情看“红诗”的英译[J]. 张卫萍,赵春燕. 顺德职业技术学院学报. 2009(03)
[2]句法不确定性与诗词翻译——以红楼梦柳絮词为例[J]. 刘雪芹. 广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(04)
[3]浅析《红楼梦》诗词翻译中译者的主体意识[J]. 陈彦. 长江大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(02)
[4]试论先唐论辩散文的体式及其变迁[J]. 孙海洋. 中国文学研究. 2006(01)
[5]文学翻译中的文化移情[J]. 李晓红. 南通大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(02)
[6]翻译教学的新途径:双语平行语料库的运用[J]. 卢鑫莹. 外语教育. 2005(00)
[7]文学翻译中译者的移情作用刍议[J]. 潘卫民,钱妮娜. 外语与外语教学. 2006(02)
[8]英汉颜色词的比较与翻译[J]. 王芳. 周口师范学院学报. 2002(04)
[9]从中美两国大学校名看社会、历史和文化[J]. 张焱. 外语教育. 2001(00)
[10]疑问及疑问衰变──谈英语疑问句语法化问题[J]. 于善志,林立红. 外语教学. 2001(01)
[1]从语义翻译和交际翻译比较分析《红楼梦》中的诗词翻译[D]. 罗静.内蒙古大学 2010
[2]东坡词英译赏析—审美移情视角[D]. 韩雨苇.上海外国语大学 2010
[3]《浪花的起源》中的语用移情研究[D]. 刘心爽.吉林大学 2009
[4]模糊语言学视阈下的《红楼梦》诗词翻译研究[D]. 曹建辉.中南大学 2009
[5]从互文性理论视角解读中国古典诗歌中的文化翻译[D]. 王维.南京师范大学 2008
[6]诗歌翻译中的审美移情与艺术生成[D]. 李晓红.浙江大学 2007
[7]论后殖民视阈下的《红楼梦》诗歌翻译策略[D]. 何素芳.中南大学 2007
[8]从接受美学的角度对《红楼梦》诗歌英译的对比分析[D]. 朱慧芬.浙江大学 2007
[9]从许渊冲“三美”原则角度论李白诗歌英译的美感再现[D]. 张毅.哈尔滨工程大学 2007
[10]从目的论看《红楼梦》中的诗词翻译[D]. 张艳.安徽大学 2007
【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:168 页
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Definition of empathy
1.1.1 Origin of empathy
1.1.2 Cognitive elements in empathy
1.1.3 Affective elements in empathy
1.1.4 Communicative elements in empathy
1.1.5 Empathy vs. sympathy
1.2 A comparison between Chinese and Western empathy
1.3 Previous studies on poetry translation in Hongloumeng
1.3.1 Research contents
1.3.2 Research approaches
1.3.3 Theoretical basis
Chapter Two Poetry and Poetry Translation
2.1 The definition of poetry
2.2 The three basic elements of poetry
2.2.1 Sound
2.2.2 Form
2.2.3 Meaning
2.3 Text types and translating emphases
2.4 The translatability of poetry
2.4.1 Language universals
2.4.2 Common physiological function and emotional response
2.4.3 The support of translation theories
2.4.4 The support of translation practice
2.5 Basic issues for poetry translation
2.5.1 Poetry translation criteria
2.5.2 Poetry translation strategies
Chapter Three Application of the Approach of Empathy in Poetry Translation
3.1 Difficulties of poetry translation
3.1.1 Difficulties caused by linguistic differences
3.1.2 Difficulties caused by grammar differences
3.1.3 Difficulties caused by cultural differences
3.2 Reasons for application of the approach of empathy in poetry translation
3.2.1 Theoretical foundations of the approach of empathy in translation
3.2.2 Practical foundations of the approach of empathy in translation
3.3 Empathetic obstacles in translation
Chapter Four Comparison of Aesthetic Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng
4.1 Hongloumeng and its two translated versions
4.1.1 Poetry in Hongloumeng
4.1.2 About the two English versions of Hongloumeng
4.2 Comparison of aesthetic empathy
4.2.1 Aesthetic empathy in terms of sense
4.2.2 Aesthetic empathy in terms of sound
4.2.3 Aesthetic empathy in terms of form
Chapter Five Comparison of Cultural Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng
5.1 Culture, language, translation and their mutual relationship
5.2 Application of the approach of cultural empathy in literary translation
5.3 Realization of the approach of cultural empathy in literary translation
5.4 Comparison of cultural empathy in poetry translation in Hongloumeng
5.4.1 Comparison of empathy in terms of ecological culture
5.4.2 Comparison of empathy in terms of material culture
5.4.3 Comparison of empathy in terms of social culture
5.4.4 Comparison of empathy in terms of religious culture
5.4.5 Comparison of empathy in terms of linguistic culture
Chapter Six Comparison of Pragmatic Empathy in Poetry Translation in Hongloumeng
6.1 Theory of pragmatic empathy
6.1.1 Pragma-linguistic empathy
6.1.2 Socio-pragmatic empathy
6.2 Comparison of pragmatic empathy
Chapter Seven Possible Explanations for Two Empathetic Approaches: Empathy to ST and the Author v.s. Empathy to TT and Readers
7.1 Theoretic explanations of empathy
7.1.1 Skopos theory
7.1.2 Hermeneutics
7.1.3 Deconstruction view
7.2 Features of Chinese poetic language that allow for expansion
7.2.1 Vividness
7.2.2. Succinctness
7.2.3 Implicitness
7.3 Subjectivity —as an undeniable fact
7.3.1 Language subjectivity
7.3.2 Translator’s subjectivity
[1]从语用移情看“红诗”的英译[J]. 张卫萍,赵春燕. 顺德职业技术学院学报. 2009(03)
[2]句法不确定性与诗词翻译——以红楼梦柳絮词为例[J]. 刘雪芹. 广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(04)
[3]浅析《红楼梦》诗词翻译中译者的主体意识[J]. 陈彦. 长江大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(02)
[4]试论先唐论辩散文的体式及其变迁[J]. 孙海洋. 中国文学研究. 2006(01)
[5]文学翻译中的文化移情[J]. 李晓红. 南通大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(02)
[6]翻译教学的新途径:双语平行语料库的运用[J]. 卢鑫莹. 外语教育. 2005(00)
[7]文学翻译中译者的移情作用刍议[J]. 潘卫民,钱妮娜. 外语与外语教学. 2006(02)
[8]英汉颜色词的比较与翻译[J]. 王芳. 周口师范学院学报. 2002(04)
[9]从中美两国大学校名看社会、历史和文化[J]. 张焱. 外语教育. 2001(00)
[10]疑问及疑问衰变──谈英语疑问句语法化问题[J]. 于善志,林立红. 外语教学. 2001(01)
[1]从语义翻译和交际翻译比较分析《红楼梦》中的诗词翻译[D]. 罗静.内蒙古大学 2010
[2]东坡词英译赏析—审美移情视角[D]. 韩雨苇.上海外国语大学 2010
[3]《浪花的起源》中的语用移情研究[D]. 刘心爽.吉林大学 2009
[4]模糊语言学视阈下的《红楼梦》诗词翻译研究[D]. 曹建辉.中南大学 2009
[5]从互文性理论视角解读中国古典诗歌中的文化翻译[D]. 王维.南京师范大学 2008
[6]诗歌翻译中的审美移情与艺术生成[D]. 李晓红.浙江大学 2007
[7]论后殖民视阈下的《红楼梦》诗歌翻译策略[D]. 何素芳.中南大学 2007
[8]从接受美学的角度对《红楼梦》诗歌英译的对比分析[D]. 朱慧芬.浙江大学 2007
[9]从许渊冲“三美”原则角度论李白诗歌英译的美感再现[D]. 张毅.哈尔滨工程大学 2007
[10]从目的论看《红楼梦》中的诗词翻译[D]. 张艳.安徽大学 2007