发布时间:2017-05-29 18:05
【摘要】:作为最优秀的中国古典小说之一,《水浒传》已由众多顶尖译者翻译,至今仅全译本就有四种。《水浒传》中包含数百篇韵文,而故事之美往往由这些韵文传递,因而这也给译者带来了巨大挑战。因此,讨论这些韵文翻译的成功与否,对评价译文对原文的美感传递及文化传递是否成功有着重要意义。本文以操纵论,尤其是诗学操纵作为理论框架,尝试通过对赛珍珠和沙博理两种译本的比较,讨论在翻译操纵影响下,小说中韵文的文化传递效果,及其对整部小说翻译效果的影响。为给努力推动中国文化“走出去”的译者们提供一些鄙陋的建议,笔者还将在比较和总结两位译者的翻译策略之后,,提出一些相关翻译策略。 在讨论部分,本文将主要采用描述和比较的分析方法。同时,比喻、对比等一系列诗学工具也将被用作本文的分析工具。 经过讨论,笔者得出的结论是:诗学因素对译者的翻译策略选择存在严重的操控;《水浒传》中韵文翻译的成功,可以增加故事的文学美感、增强小说情节的叙述、强化或总结整部小说的主题;中国文学作品的诗学特征应在翻译中得到保留,以便西方读者更多地了解中国,同时必须避免为了迎合西方读者口味而任意操纵中国文学作品的翻译,牺牲原文中的文化内涵。
【关键词】:操纵理论 诗学 韵文 《水浒传》
- Acknowledgements4-5
- Abstract5-6
- 摘要6-10
- Chapter One Introduction10-17
- 1.1 Background and Significance of the Research10-15
- 1.1.1 About Shui Hu Zhuan10
- 1.1.2 Two English Versions of Shui Hu Zhuan10-12
- 1.1.3 Verses in Shui Hu Zhuan and the Significance of Verse Translation for12-14
- 1.1.4 Significance of the Research14-15
- 1.2 Objectives of the Research15
- 1.3 Methodology of the Research15
- 1.4 Structure of the Thesis15-17
- Chapter Two Literature Review17-21
- 2.1 Researches on the Manipulation of Poetics in Translation17-18
- 2.2 Researches on the Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan18-19
- 2.3 Researches on the Translation of Verses in Shui Hu Zhuan19-20
- 2.4 Limitation of Previous Researches20-21
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework21-31
- 3.1 An Introduction to the Manipulation Theory21-27
- 3.1.1 The Manipulation School21-22
- 3.1.2 Lefevere’s Theory22-23
- 3.1.3 Manipulation Factors23-27
- Ideology23-25
- Poetics25-26
- Patronage26-27
- 3.2 Manipulation of Poetics in Translation27-31
- 3.2.1 Poetic Images, Devices and Context in Literature27-29
- Poetic Images27-28
- Rhetoric Devices28
- Poetic Context28-29
- 3.2.2 Demonstration and Significance of Poetic Manipulation in the Translation of Verses29-30
- 3.2.3 Inspiration from Poetic Manipulation for Translation Studies30-31
- Chapter Four Manipulation of Poetic Images in the Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan31-41
- 4.1 Translators’ Rewriting of the Poetic Images in Shui Hu Zhuan’s English Versions31-38
- 4.1.1 Plant Images32-34
- 4.1.2 Animal Images34-36
- 4.1.3 Images of People36-38
- 4.2 Cultural Reproduction of the Poetic Images in Shui Hu Zhuan’s English Versions38-39
- 4.3 Strategies in the Reproduction of Poetic Images in English Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan39-41
- Chapter Five Manipulation of Rhetoric Devices in the Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan41-52
- 5.1 Translators’ Rewriting of the Rhetoric Devices in Shui Hu Zhuan’s English Versions41-50
- 5.1.1 Structural Devices41-44
- 5.1.2 Sense Devices44-47
- 5.1.3 Sound Devices47-50
- 5.2 Cultural Reproduction of the Rhetoric Devices in Shui Hu Zhuan’s English Versions50-51
- 5.3 Strategies in the Reproduction of Rhetoric Devices in English translation of Shui Hu Zhuan51-52
- Chapter Six Manipulation of Poetic Context in the Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan52-59
- 6.1 Translators’ Rewriting of the Poetic Context in Shui Hu Zhuan’s English Versions52-57
- 6.1.1 Historical Allusions52-54
- 6.1.2 Traditional Ideology in Ancient China54-57
- 6.2 Cultural Reproduction of the Poetic Context in Shui Hu Zhuan’s English Versions57-58
- 6.3 Strategies in the Reproduction of Poetic Context in English Translation of Shui Hu Zhuan58-59
- Chapter Seven Conclusion59-62
- 7.1 Main Findings of this Thesis59-61
- 7.2 Limitations and Prospects for Further Studies61-62
- Bibliography62-65
- 附件65
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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