本文关键词:接受美学视角下《裸者与死者》的社会功能解读 出处:《东北林业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:诺曼·梅勒是一位风靡文坛的伟大作家,在当代文学领域享有盛名,他的很多作品对美国文坛甚至整个世界文坛都具有很大的影响。1984年,经过六年的观察与准备,结合梅勒在二战战场上的自身经历,他创作出不朽长篇巨作---《裸者与死者》。在《裸者与死者》中,他着重分析了美军内部的等级制度与人类的自我迷失,将战场作为展现整个病态美国社会的全景图,作品寓意十分深远。 小说问世以来,国内外许多专家学者都对这部作品进行了多方面和多角度的学术研究,然而,从接受美学理论角度研究这部作品还很少。 本文旨在探讨读者是如何从接受美学的社会功能角度来解读梅勒的代表作---《裸者与死者》的认知、审美和教育功能。各章节具体内容概括如下: 第一部分简单地介绍了诺曼·梅勒的生平、文学成就以及《裸者与死者》的主要梗概,最后就国内外关于梅勒的总体研究状况进行分析,进而提出本文的研究视角——接受美学的社会功能。 第二部分介绍了接受美学的起源与发展历程,同时探讨了接受美学角度下文学的社会功能,主要包括认知功能、审美功能、教育功能以及它们在文学中的体现。 第三部分探讨了《裸者与死者》接受美学角度下的社会功能。本章先从处于战争中人们的精神状态入手,体现了在荒谬战争中民众的自我迷失,此外,通过梅勒对安诺波佩岛,受伤的小鸟以及愤怒的黄蜂等意象描写进行分析,体现了梅勒对光明未来的信心以及对人类尊严的肯定。最后,通过对战争中受压迫人们的奋起反抗以及对人生真谛的理解来探索战争给人们带来的警示。 第四部分得出结论:在面对荒谬的战争时,人们很容易迷失自我,丧失本性,在面对来自生存环境的压迫时,不要一味的屈服,要敢于反抗,‘并在残酷的斗争中,认识到人生的真正意义,从而热爱生活,珍惜美好的人生。
[Abstract]:Norman Mailer , a great writer in the field of contemporary literature , has a great influence on American literary circles and even the whole world literary world . In 1984 , six years of observation and preparation , combined with Mel ' s own experience in the war field of World War II , he created immortal long works - - the nude and the dead . In the nude and the deceased , he focused on the analysis of the internal hierarchy of the U.S . and the self - loss of human beings . Since the introduction of the novel , many experts and scholars at home and abroad have carried out various and multi - angle academic research on this work , however , it is very rare to study the work from the perspective of accepting aesthetics . The purpose of this paper is to explore how the reader interprets Melle ' s representation from the perspective of the social function that accepts aesthetics - - the cognitive , aesthetic and educational functions of the naked and the deceased . The contents of each chapter are summarized as follows : The first part simply introduces Norman Mailer ' s life - level , literary achievements and the main outline of the nude and the dead , and then analyzes the general research situation of Melle both at home and abroad , and then puts forward the social function of the thesis . The second part introduces the origin and development course of accepting aesthetics , and discusses the social function of literature under the angle of accepting aesthetics , which mainly includes cognitive function , aesthetic function , educational function and their reflection in literature . The third part discusses the social function under the aesthetic angle between naked people and the dead . This chapter starts with the people ' s mental state in the war , reflects the self - loss of the people in the preposterous war , and reflects the confidence of Melle in the future of the light and the affirmation of human dignity . Finally , through the struggle against people in the war and the understanding of the true meaning of life , this chapter explores the war ' s warning to people . The fourth part concludes that in the face of the preposterous war , people are easy to lose themselves and lose their nature . In the face of oppression from the living environment , don ' t yield , dare to resist , ' and in the cruel struggle , realize the real meaning of life , so as to love life , cherish a good life .
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