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  本文关键词:寻找缺失的自我—用拉康镜像理论解读《宠儿》 出处:《华北电力大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 镜像阶段 奴隶制 他者 自我

【摘要】:作为第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人作家,托尼·莫里森无疑代表了黑人文学的最高成就。《宠儿》是莫里森的第五部小说,它探索了奴隶制阴影下黑人寻求自我解放的历史,成为莫里森最受热评的作品。通过描述一个黑人家庭的悲欢离合,莫里森不仅真实再现了黑奴们在蓄奴制下所遭受的非人待遇,而且深刻论述了蓄奴制在心理上对黑奴们的摧残和历史遗毒。遗毒至深,以至于黑奴们在摆脱奴役多年之后仍然无法获得真正的自由。 《宠儿》自发表之日起就在海内外引起了广泛的关注。学术界的文学评论家从不同的角度对这部作品进行了解读:心理分析、结构主义、女性主义、西方马克思主义、叙述学等等。在国内的研究当中,很少有人运用镜像理论对《宠儿》进行解读。镜像理论是拉康在精神分析领域作出的重要贡献,它是关于婴儿自我意识形成的理论。而莫里森的《宠儿》正是突出了重建迷失在奴隶制中的自我这一主题。本文从关于自我形成的镜像理论出发,分析造成主人公们深度精神创伤并丧失自我意识的原因,追踪他们寻找自我的艰辛历程。 论文由四大部分构成。本文第一部分首先简要介绍了美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森及其作品《宠儿》和雅克·拉康的镜像理论。第二部分从奴隶制的压迫和母女关系两大因素分析小说中三大主人公的身份缺失。第三部分讨论了主人公们艰辛漫长的寻找自我的历程。第四部分总结了论文的成果和不足。运用拉康的镜像理论来分析和研究这部作品给解读《宠儿》提供了全新的视角。
[Abstract]:As the first black writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Tony Morrison undoubtedly represents the highest achievement in black literature. Beloved is Morrison's 5th novels. It explores the history of black people seeking self-liberation under the shadow of slavery and becomes Morrison's most popular work by describing the joys and sorrows of a black family. Morrison not only reappeared the inhuman treatment suffered by the slaves under the slavery system, but also profoundly discussed the psychological destruction of the slaves and the legacy of the historical poison. Even after years of slavery, the slaves were still unable to gain real freedom. Beloved has aroused widespread concern at home and abroad since its publication. Literary critics in academic circles have interpreted this work from different angles: psychoanalysis, structuralism, feminism. Western Marxism, narratology and so on. In the domestic research, few people use the mirror theory to interpret beloved. Mirror image theory is an important contribution of Lacan in the field of psychoanalysis. It is a theory about the formation of infant self-consciousness, and Morrison's beloved highlights the theme of reconstructing the self lost in slavery. This paper starts from the mirror image theory of self-formation. This paper analyzes the causes of the protagonists' deep trauma and loss of self-consciousness, and tracks their hard process of finding themselves. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part of this paper briefly introduces Tony Morrison and her works, beloved and Jacob Lacan's mirror theory. The second part is about the oppression of slavery and the mother. The third part discusses the long process of the protagonists looking for themselves. Part 4th summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of the thesis. Using the mirror image of Lacan, the third part discusses the long process of the protagonists looking for themselves. Theoretical analysis and study of this work provides a new perspective for the interpretation of beloved.


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5 张桨(音乐生活报);青春之痒[N];中国图书商报;2002年

6 王晓群 王丽莉;成功承载了文化重任的作品最佳[N];文艺报;2006年

7 清芳;爵士乐演绎美国黑人心灵解放史[N];中国图书商报;2007年

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