本文关键词:基于元功能理论分析V.S.奈保尔的《灵异推拿师》 出处:《西南民族大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 元功能 及物性 语气系统及情态系统 重复 《灵异推拿师》
【摘要】:印裔英籍作家V.S.奈保尔在世界文坛取得了令人瞩目的成就又因其作品具有很高的文学价值于2001年获得诺贝尔文学奖。学术界对奈保尔的研究主要集中在其成熟期的作品,而对他的第一部小说《灵异推拿师》(又译《神秘的按摩师》)的研究尚不多,故此,对该小说的文本研究还有进一步拓展的空间。 奈保尔谈起文学创作时指出形式的重要性,而《灵异推拿师》则有力地证明了他的观点。以韩礼德为代表的将系统功能语言学与文本分析有机结合起来的功能文体学,侧重于语言形式的分析,以探求文本背后所隐含的深层含义。本论文以韩礼德的功能文体学作为理论基础,试图从元功能的三个方面,,即概念功能,人际功能,语篇功能三个方面来阐释《灵异推拿师》的主题,并进一步探讨其主题是如何通过语言学手段来实现的。 本文分为五章,前三章分别为引言,文献综述和研究方法。第四章从元功能的角度分析《灵异推拿师》。本章共三部分。首先通过运用概念功能中的及物性系统来分析文本,从而揭示出文化游离,逃避分离及最后的迷茫回归。其次从人际功能的语气体统、情态系统等出发来分析甘涅沙与朋友、家人和政敌之间的关系,从而看出话语权的变化以及因甘涅沙社会地位的改变而导致周围人说话方式的改变。这样的改变和对文化的认识联系甚密,这又恰好契合了小说的主题。最后从语篇功能中的重复艺术的角度来分析《灵异推拿师》是如何从词汇重复和意象重复来实现文本的微观和宏观连贯,从而挖掘出隐藏在文本后的深层原因而正是这些原因构成了小说深刻的主题。最后一章总结全文,进一步阐释通过运用系统功能语言学视角下的元功能分析文本后得出的文本含义。同时指出本论文存在的不足,并对进一步研究提出建议。 本论文试图以系统功能语言学为工具,从一个全新的视角阐释《灵异推拿师》,从而期待能进一步地说明系统功能语言学是一个强有力的文本分析工具。此外,本研究还为读者更好地理解文本深藏的主题以及赏析作者的写作风格提供了客观依据。
[Abstract]:British Indian writer V. S. Naipaul made remarkable achievements in the world literary world and won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001 for his works of high literary value. In its mature period. However, there is not much research on his first novel, "spiritual Massage" (and "mysterious masseuse"). Therefore, there is still room for further development in the study of the text of his first novel. When Naipaul talks about literary creation, he points out the importance of form. Halliday's functional stylistics, which combines systematic functional linguistics with text analysis, focuses on the analysis of language forms. Based on Halliday's functional stylistics, this thesis tries to explore the deep implication of the text from three aspects of metafunctions, namely conceptual function and interpersonal function. This paper expounds the theme of "Epiphany Massage" from three aspects of discourse function, and further discusses how its theme is realized by linguistic means. This article is divided into five chapters, the first three chapters are respectively the introduction. Literature review and research methods. Chapter 4th from the perspective of meta-function analysis of the "spiritual Tuina". This chapter consists of three parts. First, through the use of conceptual functions and the physical system to analyze the text, thus revealing the cultural dissociation. Secondly, the relationship between Ganesha and his friends, family and political opponents was analyzed from the perspective of interpersonal function and modal system. Thus we can see that the change of the right of speech and the change of the social status of Gannesha lead to the change of the way that people around them speak. This kind of change is closely related to the understanding of culture. This fits the theme of the novel. Finally, from the perspective of the art of repetition in the text function, the author analyzes how the Ghost Massage realizes the microcosmic and macroscopic coherence of the text from the perspective of lexical repetition and image repetition. In order to dig out the underlying reasons hidden behind the text and it is these reasons that constitute the profound theme of the novel. The last chapter summarizes the full text. This paper further explains the meaning of the text from the perspective of metafunctions from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics, and points out the shortcomings of this thesis, and puts forward some suggestions for further study. This thesis attempts to use systemic functional linguistics as a tool to explain "spiritual Massage" from a new perspective. It is expected to further explain that systemic functional linguistics is a powerful tool for text analysis. The study also provides an objective basis for readers to better understand the theme of the text and to appreciate the writer's writing style.
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