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  本文关键词:女性与历史记忆—试析布克奖获奖小说《女人时代》 出处:《南京大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 《女人时代》 女性形象 再现历史

【摘要】:叶莲娜·奇若娃(Eлneнa Чижова),当代俄罗斯著名作家。奇若娃曾凭借小说《男大寺院》和《女犯人》先后入围2003年和2005年俄语小说布克奖短名单,并凭借小说《女人时代》荣获2009年俄语布克奖。《女人时代》讲述的故事发生在60年代苏联的一座公共住宅内。主人公安东尼娜被一个列宁格勒青年诱惑,生下了小女孩修珊娜,之后不久因癌症死去。于是跟她们同住的三位老太婆决定抚养修珊娜。修珊娜七岁前不能说话,后来成为一名著名画家。小说语言平实,但感情深蕴。2009年布克奖评委会主席谢尔盖·甘特列夫斯基说:“我不是个善哭的人,但在读小说的时候有种想哭的冲动,这是很久没有过的情感。” 《女人时代》在艺术上的成功是多方面的。叙述人的变换,童话、梦境的插入,独特的语言等特征使小说达到了较高的艺术水平。 鉴于作家和《女人时代》在俄罗斯文坛的地位、影响以及它在中国还未被充分研究,我们试从小说主题、人物形象和艺术特色三个角度来解读《女人时代》。本文旨在: 1.挖掘小说主题:作者对历史的再现和反思; 2.具体分析小说《女人时代》中的人物形象及其与历史传统的关系; 3.总结小说《女人时代》独特的艺术手法。 论文全文由前言、三章、结语及参考文献构成。 前言部分指出本论文研究的理论意义、现实意义、创新之处、目的及任务。此外,我们还简要介绍了作家的创作经历及小说《女人时代》的主要内容。 第一章《对历史的再现与反思》旨在分析挖掘作品的主题。对于俄罗斯来说,20世纪可谓是风云变幻、灾难重重。第一次世界大战、二月革命、十月革命、农业集体化、大清洗、二战、冷战、苏联解体,一系列重大历史事件都对人民生活产生了重大影响。作家通过对主人公日常生活的描述,再现了60年代苏联的历史,使逐渐被俄国人淡忘的历史回到公众的视野。我们还运用新历史主义理论“颠覆”与“抑制”的概念分析作者对历史的反思。在对历史的反思中,小说的思想得到了进一步的深化。 在第二章《女人时代中的人物形象》中,我们分析了《女人时代》中的五位女性主人公:安东尼娜,三位老太婆和修珊娜。三位老太婆:格里盖莉娅、叶夫多季娅、阿丽阿特娜,是旧俄时代文化的代表。她们都热心善良,但又性格各异。安东尼娜是苏联文化的代表。她敏感坚强,但在残酷的命运面前,她孱弱地任人摆布,最终凄惨地离开人世。小女孩修珊娜可以视为旧俄文化的传承者。七岁之前她不能说话,但有绘画天赋,最终成为优秀的画家。 第三章《女人时代》的艺术特色》旨在分析这部小说的艺术特色。只用140页的篇幅就能在对日常生活的描述中再现跨度达百年的历史,小说能做到这点就令人赞叹。作者运用了各种艺术手法:叙述人的不断变换,童话、梦境、宗教故事的插入,独特的语言,使小说达到了较高的艺术水准。 结语部分对全文进行了扼要总结。我们对小说的主题思想进行了深入挖掘,并对小说的艺术特色及主要人物的艺术形象进行了具体分析。本论文加深了读者对作家奇若娃及其作品《女人时代》的了解和认识,也为作家及《女人时代》的研究者们提供了一些参考资料。 对《女人时代》的解读是一次重温历史、净化心灵的过程。战争和革命给苏联人民带来的灾难让人震撼。作为一部再现历史、反思历史的小说,《女人时代》对俄罗斯人历史记忆的重塑已经并将继续产生积极而深远的影响,因此值得文学研究者们去深入研究。
[Abstract]:Yelena Crova (E ne from a's le me albumose from state.), the famous Russian contemporary writer. Chizhova won the novel "male big temple" and "female prisoners were nominated for 2003 and 2005 on the Russian Booker Prize short list, and by virtue of the novel" the woman times won the 2009 Booker Prize. Russian woman times the story happened in a public house in the Soviet Union in 60s. The protagonist Antonina is a Leningrad youth temptation, gave birth to the little girl Xiushanna, shortly after due to cancer died. So with the three old woman living Xiushanna. They decided to raise Xiushan Na before the age of seven can not speak, and later became a famous painter. Novels of plain language, but the feelings deep.2009 Booker Prize jury chairman Sergei Gandetlevski said: "I am not a good cry, but when reading novels have an impulse to cry, this is not too long Emotion. "
In the era of women, artistic success is manifold. Narration of human transformation, fairy tales, insertion of dreams and unique language make the novel achieve a high artistic level.
In view of the status of women writers and "times in the Russian literature, and its effects on China has not been fully studied, we try from three aspects of the theme of the novel, characters and artistic characteristics. This paper aims to interpret < women age:
1. excavating the theme of the novel: the author's reappearance and reflection of the history;
2. a specific analysis of the characters in the novel < women's age > and the relationship with the historical tradition;
3. summing up the novel < women's age > the unique artistic technique.
The thesis is made up of the preface, three chapters, the conclusion and the reference literature.
The preface points out the theoretical significance, practical significance, innovation, purpose and task of this paper. Besides, we also briefly introduce the writer's writing experience and the main contents of the novel "women's era".
The first chapter "the representation of and reflection over history > aims to analyze the theme of the novel. For Russia, in twentieth Century it was devastating. Amidst the winds of change, the first World War, the February revolution, the revolution of October, collectivization of agriculture, purges, World War II, the Cold War, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a series of major historical events have had a significant impact the people's life. The writer through the protagonist's daily life description, reproduction of the history of the history of the Soviet Union in 60s, gradually forgotten by the Russians to return to public view. We also use the theory of new historicism" subversion "and" suppression "concept analysis and reflection of history. In the reflection on history. The idea of the novel has been further deepened.
In the second chapter "women characters in the era", we analyzed the "five women characters in women age > three old woman: Antonina, and Susanna. The three old woman: griguer Leah, Ye J do G A, A Li Atna, is the representative of the old Russian culture era. They are kind-hearted, but and different personalities. Antonina is the representative of the Soviet Union culture. She is sensitive to strong, but in the face of cruel fate, her weakness in others and eventually died miserably. The little girl Susanna can be regarded as the old Russian cultural heritage. She could not speak before the age of seven, but has the talent for painting, eventually became a good painter.
The third chapter "times the artistic characteristics of women to analyze > the artistic features in the novel. Only 140 pages can reproduce the span of a hundred years of history in the daily life in the novel can be described, it is amazing. The author uses a variety of narrative art: changing the fairy tale dream insert, religious stories and unique language, the novel reached a high artistic level.
The conclusion part makes a brief summary to the full text of the theme of the novel. We are deeply explored, and the artistic features of the novel and the main character of artistic image in detail. This paper deepens the readers of writer Crova and his works "woman age > understanding, also provide some reference for the study < > age woman writers and researchers.
Interpretation of < > is a woman age relive history, purification of the mind. The process of war and revolution brought to the people of the Soviet Union's shocking disaster. As a representation of history, reflect the history of the novel, "the woman times reshaping of the historical memory of the Russians has and will continue to have a positive and far-reaching impact, so worthy of further research to the literary researchers.



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