本文关键词:《杜阿海提教谕文》研究 出处:《复旦大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:《杜阿海提教谕文》为古代埃及创造了一种新的文学模式。本文探讨了它的结构与语言,写作基调,分析了其写作目的。 从结构上,我们推断出其写作的年份为中王国至新王国第18王朝的初期。从语言上,我们知晓了不同部分所反映出的道德想象的不同形式,而其象形文字中的众多书写错误也展示出了古埃及学校培养书吏识字的方法:听写和抄写。 借用巴赫金的时空体理论,我们发现此教谕文是利用了弱化时间,强化空间的表达手法来使书吏职业的优越性显现。同时,这种表达手法也使《杜阿海提教谕文》中的两种看似冲突的意识得到了解释。两种并行不悖的意识不仅包含了“书吏至上”思想,也起到了教谕文的教育作用,因此应该是一部严肃的道德文本。 最后笔者比较了与《杜阿海提教谕文》相关联的两篇教谕文:《阿尼教谕文》和《阿蒙内海特的教导》。通过对比,我们发现现世的思想在新王朝开始兴盛。为了维护其统治的现状,王室利用了教谕文宣传其“书吏至上”的思想。《杜阿海提教谕文》意在宣达“书吏是王权的保障人”的信息。《杜阿海提教谕文》虽说充满了讽刺的修辞,但是真正的含义在于培养王权的保护人,并且希冀从王权那里获得保护。
[Abstract]:< Du Ahai's teaching Oracle > has created a new literary model for ancient Egypt. This article discusses its structure and language, the tone of the writing, and its purpose of writing.
From the structure, we conclude that the writing year of early Middle Kingdom to the new kingdom of the Eighteenth Dynasty. From the language, we know the different parts of different forms reflect the moral imagination, while the number of errors in its hieroglyphics also show a method of ancient Egyptian scribes in the training school: dictation and transcription.
Time-Space Theory by Bakhtin, we found that the teachers of paper is the use of a weakening of time, strengthen the space superiority of expression techniques to make the book official occupation revealed. At the same time, this expression also makes Du Ahai taught two of the < > published this seemingly conflicting awareness has been explained. The two run parallel consciousness includes not only the "scribe first" ideology, also played a role in the education teaching, it should be a serious moral text.
Finally, the author compared with the teachings of Du Ahai < > associated two didactic text: "Arni" and "the teachings of the teachings of Amon Hei Hite. Through comparison, we found that this thought began to flourish in the new dynasty. In order to maintain the status quo of the rule, the teachings of the royal family to publicize its" book the official first "ideology. Du Ahai provided didactic text >" scribe is intended to promote the protection of kingship ". Du Ahai provided the didactic information > though full of ironic rhetoric, but the real meaning is to cultivate people to protect sovereignty, and hope to get protection from the throne there.
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