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发布时间:2018-01-15 02:24

  本文关键词:巴赫金狂欢化理论的审美人类学阐释 出处:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 狂欢化理论 巴赫金 审美人类学

【摘要】:米哈伊尔·米哈伊洛维奇·巴赫金(1895-1975),前苏联著名的文艺学家、哲学家、批评家、哲学家,他的一系列的原创理论对文艺学、人类学、民俗学、心理学、语言学等多个学科都有重要影响。巴赫金的学术研究历时长久,驳杂斑斓,不仅建立了以“超语言学哲学”为基础的历史诗学,还在文艺作品形式的分析与探讨中提出了影响久远的“对话”理论,“狂欢化”理论、复调小说以及“杂语”范畴,这些理论泽被后结构主义和后现代主义,以其恢宏的气度和开放大胆的独创精神在今天依然启迪着新世纪的学术研究者。 在巴赫金众多的理论中,笔者选取了他的狂欢化理论作为研究对象,以审美人类学的视角对这一理论的意义进行深入的挖掘。论文采用文献综述和跨学科比较研究的方法,对狂欢化理论的来龙去脉展开详细的分析。 论文的引言综述了巴赫金的生平和研究现状,并对审美人类学的出现与发展的大致轮廓进行了勾勒,以便于在下文中对狂欢化理论进行审美人类学视角的阐释。最后说明了此选题的价值与意义,在于用一种新的学术视角来对狂欢化理论进行哲学层面的本体思考和当下依然具有相当生命力的说明。 第一章论述狂欢化理论的内容。首先从欧洲古老的狂欢节这一民间传统节日溯源,说明狂欢化理论的出现是扎根于古老的民间文化土壤上的;接着从美学史的角度阐述狂欢化理论与前人理论的对比联系,巴赫金对尼采等哲学家的思想的扬弃;最后通过巴赫金对《巨人传》的研究成果来考察狂欢化理论的形成过程。在“狂欢节”、“狂欢式”和“狂欢化”相互比较中,说明巴赫金对文学作品直面人类的存在状态、追求人性的终极解放的理念的热切关注。 第二章论述狂欢化理论产生的文化渊源和其蕴藏的本体意义。首先,狂欢化理论建立在对民间文化尤其是阶级前的农业社会朴素浑然的生活状态的深刻理解上,并通过对延续不断的狂欢节传统的研究,发现了一直存在于人类潜意识里的对新生、自由和平等世界的向往;其次,狂欢化理论是与巴赫金进行的文学批评互相推进而逐渐成熟的。这一理论与生俱来的开放自由特征,使其不仅在当时对《巨人传》等一批文学作品重新审视,而且也在当代的文艺批评可以发出“狂欢”式的批评之声。后者表现在狂欢化理论在当下的众声喧哗的赛博空间对民间文化、大众文化的兴起形成了理论层面的认同和指导,也使狂欢化理论自身有了广阔的批评空间;最后通过对本体论历史流变的梳理,指出在形而上学的本体论消亡的今天,在赛博空间日益使人类重返“部落化”的今天,哲学更加注重“此岸”的存在,人类生存的本质追求就是在不断的交往、整合中达到最后的自由、平等和新生的“狂欢”境界。狂欢于是成为人类为新本体斗争的旨归,狂欢化理论也不同是遥远的乌托邦之梦。 第三章回到当下的赛博空间,从狂欢化理论所张扬的狂欢化人类审美来分析人类生存的形态和种种不同以往的交往融合的可能。赛博空间使人类进入了“后地理”和“后历史”时代,人类的交流以光速的飞快与清洁创造了崭新的时空观念。为此,人类的审美世界也必将随之发生巨变。科技与人文、语言、种族、文化上的单一与多元、身体与心灵这些种种的概念都将容纳进新的更加包容的定义,因为一切都在以看不见的速度流变,向人类向往的自由的乌托邦进变。 第四章论述了狂欢化理论的审美人类学研究与价值意义。首先说明巴赫金的其它理论与狂欢化理论呈现出的交集相生的现象,并指出其理论的独创性和在当时存在的主观臆断成分。巴赫金没有进行纵深的史料性的全面分析,而是按其个人的主观取舍,将狂欢化广场上形形色色的具有个体身份的人抽象到整体的人民性,从而取代了可贵的民主。这与巴赫金自己提倡的社会分析式的研究是自相矛盾的,换言之,形式主义在社会与文本中间犯了绝对的二元对立思维的错误,而巴赫金在社会分析内部有些想当然地将具体与抽象的关系也对立化了;其次指出狂欢化理论在今天的赛博空间里迎来了它灿烂的春天,得到了真正的落地新生;最后从理论上实践两个层面上来总体观看狂欢化理论对当代的学术研究、跨学科实践、学术精神和人类的全面发展的启示和意义。 结语部分从狂欢化理论本身、狂欢化理论对人类历史发展的反思和狂欢化理论在赛博空间的新生进行了总结。一、狂欢化理论不是一个完全自足的理论。一方面,它和巴赫金的其它理论交织,互相生发影响;另一方面,它本身具有鲜明的对话性、开放性,这也是它能影响今天的时代的重要原因之一;二、狂欢化理论追根可数到先民的原始思维和宗教层面,它体现的思想作为人类思想里面的“意识流”,一直流淌到今天,体现着人类对审美自由生存的向往和追求;三、在赛博空间里,狂欢化理论真正地实现着无处不在的交流与融合,人类被高度技术化的同时也在交往能力上达到了空前的便利,狂欢化理论对人类社会如今出现的负面的冷漠现象提供了反思,也保持了一种昂扬的打破界限的理论热情。 论文的创新之处在于从审美人类学的新视角去研究巴赫金狂欢化理论在赛博空间里真正得以践行的可能。论文适当地采用了跨学科的研究方法,对人类学、民俗学等可资利用的学科知识进行了相应的借鉴,以期论证狂欢化理论对文艺学研究的理论启示和在今天的新生价值,并试图表明,狂欢化理论研究是一个系统性的学术工程,不仅贯穿在巴赫金的多种理论中,还勾连古今多个学科的知识点,并在赛博空间里大放异彩。
[Abstract]:Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin (1895-1975), a famous former Soviet literary scholar, philosopher, critic, philosopher, his original theory of a series of literature and art, anthropology, folklore, psychology, have an important impact on many disciplines of linguistics. Bakhtin's academic research lasted for a long time, very gorgeous, not only established a "super linguistics philosophy" based on the analysis and discussion of historical poetics, literary works are still in the form of proposed far-reaching theory of "dialogue", "Carnival" theory, and the polyphonic novel "heteroglossia" category, these theories concern after structuralism and postmodernism, with its magnificent tolerance and open the creative spirit of today is still from the academic research in the new century.
In many of Bakhtin's theory, the author chooses his carnival theory as the research object, in-depth excavation of the significance of the theory of aesthetic anthropology from the perspective of this paper. By using the comparative research method of literature review and interdisciplinary, the carnival theory of the ins and outs of detailed analysis.
In the introduction the life and research status of Bakhtin, and the emergence and development of aesthetic anthropology, the outline of the outline, to facilitate the perspective of aesthetic anthropology of carnival theory in the following explanation. Finally explains the value and significance of this topic, is to use a new academic perspective of philosophy the level of the carnival theory of ontology and the present thinking still has a considerable vitality.
The first chapter discusses the carnival theory. First, from the ancient Carnival in Europe this folk traditional festival carnival theory origin, that is rooted in the ancient folk culture; and then expounds from the perspective of the history of aesthetics of carnival theory and the previous theory of contact ratio, Bakhtin sublation of philosophers such as Nitzsch the idea of the research results of Bakhtin; the "giant" to investigate the formation process of the carnival theory. In the "Carnival", "Carnival" and "Carnival" comparison, shows Bakhtin on literary works face the human existence, the ultimate concern of the idea of the pursuit of human liberation.
The second chapter discusses the cultural origin of the carnival theory and its hidden meaning. Firstly, the carnival theory based on folk culture especially the profound understanding of class before the agricultural society living on the plain completely, and through the research of the continuity of the carnival tradition, that has existed in the human subconscious the new world of freedom and equality of longing; secondly, the carnival theory is Bakhtin's literary criticism and promote each other and gradually mature. Open and free features of this theory of innate, which not only in the time of the "giant > and a number of literary works again, but also in the contemporary the literary criticism can issue a" Carnival "type of criticism. The latter is manifested in the carnival theory in the hubbub of cyberspace of folk culture, the rise of popular culture has formed the theoretical layer Face recognition and guidance, the carnival theory has a broad space of criticism; finally, on the history of ontology carding, pointed out in the metaphysical ontology. Today, in cyberspace is to return humans to tribalization today, pay more attention to the philosophy of "the bank" exists, the pursuit of human nature life is in constant communication, integration to achieve the final freedom, equality and the new "Carnival" Carnival and become the human realm. As a new ontology struggle aim, the carnival theory is different is the distant utopian dream.
The third chapter back to the present moment of cyberspace, the carnival theory advocates the carnivalization of human aesthetic analysis of human existence form and all sorts of different communication and integration possible. Cyberspace makes mankind enter the "geography" and "history" era, human communication at the speed of light fast and clean to create space new concept. Therefore, human aesthetic world will be changed dramatically. The science and humanities, language, ethnicity, culture on single and multiple, the body and mind of all of these concepts will be accommodated into new and more inclusive definition, because everything is in order to see the speed rheological unseen, to human yearning the Utopia of freedom into the variable.
The fourth chapter discusses the carnival theory of aesthetic anthropology and value significance. Firstly the theory and other phenomena and the intersection of Bakhtin's carnival theory shows, and points out the theory of originality and the existing subjective components. Comprehensive analysis of historical data of Bakhtin are not deep, but according to their personal the subjective choice, the Carnival square is the identity of the people of every hue individual abstract to the whole people, thus replacing the precious democracy. This type of social analysis and Bakhtin advocated research is self contradictory, in other words, the formalism in the society and the text made of two opposite thinking the absolute error, and Bakhtin in the social analysis within some will most probably it did not actually happen the concrete and the abstract relations of opposites; secondly, the carnival theory in today's cyberspace It ushered in its brilliant spring and got the real landing of the new generation. Finally, from the two levels of theory, we looked at the revelations and Revelations of the carnival theory to contemporary academic research, interdisciplinary practice, academic spirit and the all-round development of human beings.
The conclusion from the carnival theory itself, the new carnival theory and Reflection on the development of human history of the carnival theory in cyberspace are summarized. First, the carnival theory is not a completely self-sufficient theory. On the one hand, it goes other theory and Bakhtin, each hair effect; on the other hand, it with vivid dialogue, openness, it can affect one of the important reasons for today's era; two, the carnival theory it to primitive thinking and religious aspect, it reflects the idea of human thought as the inside of the "stream of consciousness", has been flowing into today, which embodies human desire and pursuit on the aesthetic existence of freedom; three, in cyberspace, the carnival theory to achieve a ubiquitous communication and integration of human being with high technology is also a communicative ability of unprecedented The theory of Carnival has provided a reflection on the negative apathy of human society, and it has also maintained a strong theoretical enthusiasm to break the boundary.
The innovation of this paper is from the perspective of aesthetic anthropology to study Bakhtin's Carnival Theory in cyberspace in practice. This may be appropriate to use research methods, interdisciplinary of anthropology, folklore and other available knowledge of the corresponding reference, in order to demonstrate the carnival theory of literary research the theory and Enlightenment in the new value today, and tries to show that the carnival theory research is a systematic academic project, not only through a variety of Bakhtin's theory, includes many disciplines and knowledge, and shine in the cyberspace.



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