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发布时间:2018-04-01 11:04

  本文选题:生态女性主义 切入点:父权制 出处:《长沙理工大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:多丽丝·莱辛(1919-),作为战后英国文坛杰出女性作家,以其多变的文学视角和丰富的创作成果享誉世界文坛。她在其近六十年的文学创作生涯中创作了大量题材、风格各异的作品,共计有数十部长篇小说、七十多部短片小说、两部剧本、一本诗集、多本论文集和回忆录。她的作品几乎涵盖了二十世纪重大思想问题,包括殖民主义、种族主义、女性主义、神秘主义等;其作品基本的主题是政治和妇女的命运。她早期的作品具有高度自传性质,大多取材于其在非洲的亲身经历。 1950年出版的《青草在歌唱》是莱辛的处女作,一经问世便引起了很大的反响。小说以十九世纪中期殖民地统治之下的非洲为背景,展现了南非大陆所遭受的破坏性开发;同时,作品描叙了在种族歧视、性别歧视以及弱肉强食的竞争规律下,黑人和妇女的悲惨命运。 论文试图从生态女性主义的角度对这部作品进行阐释,从而来揭示出小说中的生态意识、女性主义意识,即作者对人类与自然、男性与女性以及种族等一系列问题的深刻思考。论文将从四个部分进行论证。 引言部分将介绍莱辛的生平和主要作品;同时,将介绍《青草在歌唱》故事梗概、国内外现行研究状况以及文章的框架。 第一章,鉴于生态女性主义是一门在二十世纪中期兴起的理论,论文第一章将对这一理论进行介绍,即介绍生态女性主义主要流派、主要思想以及生态文学批评。生态女性主义主要有自由生态女性主义、文化生态女性主义、精神生态女性主义、社会生态女性主义以及社会主义生态女性主义等。生态女性主义认为地球上的生命是一个相互联系的网,强调女性和自然的联系;并且生态女性主义将将生态学与女性主义结合在一起,将“自然歧视”与“性别歧视”以及“种族歧视”联系起来,归结于二元制下的父权制度。生态女性主义文学批评以生态女性主义的价值标准从自然和女性的双重视角来研究文学与自然、女性的关系。 第二章,主要分析《青草在歌唱》中对自然的掠夺,白人殖民者从自我利益出发,试图征服自然。他们肆无忌惮的开发、过度开垦和向自然贪婪索取行为严重破坏了生态平衡。生态女性主义尊崇生态中心主义世界观、尊敬自然和自然界所有生命,指出男性父权制世界观是人类践踏自然的根源。小说中,以迪克和查克为代表的白人殖民者怀着极大的征服欲,在利益的驱动下开发和破坏自然,使当地的自然生态平和严重失调;同时,以玛丽为代表的白人女性漠视并敌视自然,最终受到自然的惩罚。 第三章,探讨《青草在歌唱》中不平等的男女关系。一方面,以玛丽为代表的女性极力摆脱束缚;另一方面,在男性心中,女性被看作男性传宗接代的工具,是男性的附属物并天生低贱受男性的支配。生态女性主义反对男权压迫与支配、寻求解放女性之路;男人与女人应当视为一个个相互联系的节点,彼此之间不存在任何高低贵贱之分。 第四章,阐述《青草在歌唱》中不同种族之间的不平等关系。生态女性主义指出男性父权制不仅是人类践踏自然、男性欺凌女性的根源,同时也是种族歧视的根源。 基于以上三个部分的解析和阐述,,我们可以得出一个结论----在男性父权制思想统治下的南非社会,为了满足肉体舒适和精神愉悦,人类肆意地开发和掠夺自然,使得自然生态失去平衡;人类在破坏自己生存家园同时也使得精神日益失衡。英国殖民者在南非的悲惨结局给世人以思考,给当下人类一场精神文化的洗礼,促进我们反思人类恶劣干涉自然带来的后果,激励我们要努力建立一个万物共生、人与自然和谐、人与人和谐的生态环境。
[Abstract]:Doris Lessing ( 1919 - ) , as an outstanding female writer in the post - war English literary world , has created a great variety of themes and various works in her literary creation career for nearly 60 years , including dozens of novel novels , more than 70 short - film novels , two plays , a book of poems , and a multi - text collection and recalling . Her works almost covered the major ideological problems of the twentieth century , including colonialism , racism , feminism , mystics , etc .
The basic theme of his work is the fate of politics and women . Her early works have a high self - transmission nature , mostly from their own experiences in Africa .
In 1950 , bluegrass , published in 1950 , was the virgin of Lessing , which had caused a great deal of repercussions . The novel , based on Africa under colonial rule in the mid - nineteenth century , demonstrated the destructive development of the continent of South Africa ;
At the same time , the work describes the tragic fate of blacks and women in the context of racial discrimination , gender discrimination and the competition law of the jungle .
This paper attempts to interpret the works from the perspective of ecological feminism , thus revealing the ecological consciousness and feminist consciousness in the novel , that is , the author ' s deep thinking about the series of problems such as human and nature , male and female , and race .
The introduction part will introduce Leixin ' s life and main works ;
At the same time , the present research situation and the frame of the article are introduced in this paper .
In the first chapter , in view of the theory of ecological feminism as an emerging theory in the middle of the 20th century , the first chapter introduces the main schools of ecological feminism , the main thought and the ecological literary criticism . The ecological feminism mainly includes the free ecological feminism , the cultural ecology feminism , the spiritual ecology feminism , the social ecology feminism and the socialist ecological feminism .
The ecological feminism combines ecology with feminism to link " natural discrimination " with " gender discrimination " and " racial discrimination " . It is attributed to patriarchal system under the binary system . The ecological feminism literary criticism studies the relationship between literature and nature and women from the dual visual angle of natural and female .
In the second chapter , the author mainly analyzes the plunder of natural resources in the singing contest , and the white colonizers attempt to conquer nature from the self - interest . The ecological feminism respects the world outlook of ecological centralism , respects the world outlook of ecological centralism , and points out that male patriarchy is the root cause of human abuses . In the novel , the white women , represented by Dick and Chuck , are the root causes of human abuses . In the novel , the white women , represented by Dick and Chuck , have great conquest . At the same time , the white women represented by Mary are indifferent and hostile to nature , and finally punished by nature .
In the third chapter , the relationship between women and men is discussed . On the one hand , the women represented by Mary are trying to get rid of the shackles .
On the other hand , in men ' s mind , women are regarded as a tool of male patrilineal descent , which is a male appendage and is born low and low to be dominated by men . Eco - feminism is opposed to the oppression and domination of men ' s rights and seeks to liberate women ;
Men and women should be regarded as a interconnected node , and there is no distinction between men and women .
The fourth chapter explains the unequal relationship between different races in the singing contest . Eco - feminism points out that male patriarchy is not only the root cause of man ' s abuse of nature , but also the root cause of racial discrimination .
Based on the analysis and elaboration of the above three parts , we can draw a conclusion that the South African society under the rule of male patriarchy , in order to satisfy the physical comfort and spiritual pleasure , the human wanton development and looting nature , make the natural ecology lose balance ;
The tragic outcome of British colonizers in South Africa has given the world a reflection of the tragic outcome of the British colonizers in South Africa , which prompts us to reflect on the consequences of human bad interference and to inspire us to establish a harmonious environment of intergrowth , harmony between human beings and nature , and harmonious human and human beings .



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