发布时间:2018-04-18 08:21
本文选题:安娜 + 托尔斯泰 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:爱情是人类永恒的主题,每个人都有追求爱情、追求幸福的权利,同时每个人对爱情的看法和态度也是不相同的。爱情是在自由意志基础上建立的,但是又不能仅凭自由意志的发展。托尔斯泰是十九世纪俄国伟大的作家,其作品《安娜·卡列尼娜》是一部体现女性爱情价值观的精品,并且经久弥新,无论任何时候拜读这部作品,都会给人以深刻的新的启示。而这部作品所反映出来的社会问题也是多种多样的,如农民问题、家庭问题,婚姻问题,女性追求自我,追求爱情等等众多的问题,,无论是哪一个,都会给我们深刻的启示,其中关于女性的婚姻爱情生活的问题就引起了一场轩然大波,震惊了整个俄罗斯,甚至整个世界。本文主要阐述安娜、陶丽、吉娣的爱情、婚姻、家庭、社会道德等问题,爱情中的人性与神性问题,这阐明了托尔斯泰的宗教观。透过对托尔斯泰爱情观的分析,给予了当代女性一些重要的思想启示。 本文主要分为三大部分:第一部分深入分析《安娜·卡列尼娜》中的女性人物形象。一方面安娜的爱情从无到有,她所呈现在大家面前的形象是不同的,如没有爱情之前的安娜,初涉爱情的安娜,拥有爱情之后的安娜,不同的阶段体现了人物不同的心理状态和对爱情的态度和看法。另一方面,陶丽和吉娣对待爱情的观点和态度与安娜形成强烈的对比,从而为第二部分的托尔斯泰对待爱情的观点和态度做了铺垫;第二部分是对第一部分的总结,一方面总结安娜、陶丽和吉娣对待爱情的观点和态度,另一方面从托尔斯泰当时所生活的社会环境以及托尔斯泰的童年时代其父母亲、其他亲属对作家关于爱情、婚姻、家庭观念的影响来阐述作家托尔斯泰对爱情的思考;第三部分主要论述托尔斯泰的爱情观对当代女性思想的启示。面对当代女性的生活状态,以及在当代社会所出现的一些有违道德伦理的生活现象,托尔斯泰的爱情观给当代女性敲响了警钟,使当代女性要正确的认识自己;最后是结论部分。
[Abstract]:Love is the eternal theme of human beings. Everyone has the right to pursue love and happiness.Love is established on the basis of free will, but it cannot be developed by free will alone.Tolstoy is a great Russian writer of the nineteenth century. His work An Na Karenina is a fine work that embodies the values of women's love, and it has long been new, no matter what time it is read.Will give people profound new enlightenment.And the social problems reflected in this work are also various, such as peasant problems, family problems, marriage problems, women's pursuit of self, pursuit of love, and so on. No matter which one is it, it will give us profound enlightenment.Among them, the question of women's marriage and love life caused a great uproar, shocked the whole Russia, and even the whole world.This paper mainly expounds the love, marriage, family and social morality of An Na, Tao Li and Jidi, as well as the human nature and divinity in love, which clarifies Tolstoy's religious view.Through the analysis of Tolstoy's view of love, it gives some important enlightenment to contemporary women.This paper is divided into three parts: the first part deeply analyzes the female characters in An Na Karenina.On the one hand, An Na's love starts from nothing, and the image she presents in front of everyone is different. For example, there is no love before An Na, the beginning of love is An Na, and after having love, An Na,Different stages reflect the different psychological state of the characters and their attitudes and views on love.On the other hand, Tao Li and Jidi's views and attitudes towards love are strongly contrasted with An Na, thus paving the way for Tolstoy's view and attitude towards love in the second part; the second part is a summary of the first part.On the one hand, it summarizes An Na, Tao Li, and Jidi's views and attitudes towards love. On the other hand, from the social environment Tolstoy lived in at that time, as well as from Tolstoy's childhood, his parents and other relatives told the writer about love and marriage.The third part mainly discusses the inspiration of Tolstoy's view of love to contemporary women.In the face of the living conditions of contemporary women and some life phenomena which are contrary to moral ethics in contemporary society, Tolstoy's view of love has sounded the alarm bell for contemporary women, so that contemporary women should correctly understand themselves;The last part is the conclusion.
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