本文选题:生态批评 + 蝇王 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《蝇王》讲述了一群英国男孩在一个热带小岛上的生活经历:在未来的一场核战争中,一群孩子因为所乘的飞机被击落而困在了一座荒岛上。刚开始,孩子们在岛上订立了规矩,确立了秩序,举止有教养,过着和谐安定的生活。可是好景不长。不久后他们在是看守火堆还是打猎的问题上产生了分歧。孩子们分裂成两派。两派的矛盾愈演愈烈。以杰克为首的打猎者暴露了自己的邪恶本性,变得越来越野蛮,好几个孩子都被自己的同伴有意无意杀害了。在小说的结尾,主人公拉尔夫为天真的泯灭和人心的黑暗而哭泣。 本论文从生态批评的角度解读《蝇王》,分析荒岛的自然生态,社会生态和精神生态。本论文旨在讨论小说中所反映的人与自然、人与人、以及人与社会的关系。本文试图探讨戈尔丁的生态思想,希望能为研究戈尔丁和他的作品提供一个新视角。 本论文共分为五个章节。第一章是引言,,包含三个部分。第一部分介绍了戈尔丁的生平、文学成就、以及《蝇王》的主要内容。第二部分综述了该小说在国内外的研究现状。第三部分介绍了生态批评的基本理论和本论文的结构框架。 论文第二章从两个角度分析了小说中的自然生态,分别探讨了人与自然之间的和谐与冲突。通过分析戈尔丁对孤岛美景的描述以及西蒙对自然的回归,表现了人与自然和谐的一面;通过阐述孩子们对孤岛上的森林的破坏和野生动物的残杀,表现了人与自然冲突的一面。从上面这两种关系中我们可以看出戈尔丁对自然的热爱和对人类残酷行径的抨击。 第三章分析了《蝇王》的社会生态,它分成三个部分。第一部分探讨了孩子们邪恶的暴露。第二部分追溯了杰克和拉尔夫冲突的起源,暗示野蛮和文明的对抗会影响社会的稳定。第三部分分析了戈尔丁对科学救赎力量的反讽。《蝇王》洞悉了造成社会混乱的因素。分析小说中的社会生态可以为生态学家分析和解决当今社会问题提供一些参考。 第四章反映了岛上的精神生态,即人与自我的关系。它借用了中国生态学者鲁枢元的观点。他认为精神生态广义上也属于生态研究的范畴。本章分析了小说中扭曲的人物性格,主要关注拉尔夫的挣扎和西蒙被边缘化的社会地位。此外,本章还探讨了孩子们家园意识的丧失和信仰的偏离,同时表述了这两者对人类精神健全性的影响。 论文最后一章是结论。它指出了本研究的主要发现和启示作用,本研究的局限性以及需要进一步研究的的问题。
[Abstract]:The Lord of the flies tells the story of a group of British boys living on a tropical island: in a future nuclear war, a group of children were trapped on a desert island after their plane was shot down. At first, the children set rules, order, manners and a harmonious life on the island. But not long. Soon after they were divided over whether to watch the fire or to hunt. The children split into two factions. The contradictions between the two factions are getting worse and worse. The hunter, led by Jack, exposed his evil nature and became more and more barbaric, and several children were killed by their companions, intentionally or unintentionally. At the end of the novel, Ralph cries of innocence and darkness. This paper interprets Lord of the flies from the angle of ecological criticism, and analyzes the natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology of the desert island. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between man and nature, between man and society, and between man and society as reflected in the novel. This paper attempts to explore Golding's ecological thoughts, hoping to provide a new perspective for the study of Golding and his works. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including three parts. The first part introduces Golding's life, literary achievements and the main contents of Lord of the flies. The second part summarizes the research status of the novel at home and abroad. The third part introduces the basic theory of ecological criticism and the structure of this paper. The second chapter analyzes the natural ecology in the novel from two angles and discusses the harmony and conflict between man and nature. By analyzing Golding's description of the beauty of the island and Simon's return to nature, it shows the harmony between man and nature, and the destruction of forests and the killing of wildlife on the island by children. It shows the conflict between man and nature. From these two relationships we can see Golding's love of nature and his attack on human cruelty. The third chapter analyzes the social ecology of Lord of the flies, which is divided into three parts. The first part explores the exposure of children to evil. The second part traces the origin of the conflict between Jack and Ralph, implying that the confrontation between barbarism and civilization will affect social stability. The third part analyzes Golding's irony of the power of scientific salvation. The analysis of social ecology in novels can provide some references for ecologists to analyze and solve social problems. The fourth chapter reflects the spiritual ecology of the island, that is, the relationship between man and self. It borrows the view of Chinese ecologist Lu Shuyuan. He believes that the spiritual ecology in a broad sense also belongs to the category of ecological research. This chapter analyzes the distorted characters in the novel, focusing on Ralph's struggle and Simon's marginalized social status. In addition, this chapter also discusses the loss of children's home consciousness and faith deviation, and describes the impact of these two on the integrity of the human spirit. The last chapter is the conclusion. It points out the main findings and implications of this study, the limitations of this study and the problems that need further study.
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