发布时间:2018-04-21 23:03
本文选题:汉诗 + 离散 ; 参考:《延边大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本论文考察的是抗日志士、诗人申圭植流亡时期创作的汉诗中表现出来的离散情结。论文的上半部分考察了申圭植汉诗的创作背景以及选择亡命之路的思想倾向,下半部分考察了他的诗集《儿目泪》中的离散情结,结尾部分阐述了申圭植流亡时期文学活动的意义。 本论文追述了申圭植的人生轨迹,对他在国内参加的独立运动活动进行了追踪,并考察了他怀着政治使命感踏上流亡之路的过程。本文还集中考察了他创作文学作品的社会背景,与中国革命党人的交往情况,以及“南社”文化团体对申圭植的文学创作产生的影响。 本文从流亡者的思乡情怀,抗日志士的忧国情绪,以及国际主义和离散情结等三个方面对申圭植离散情结的特点进行了考察。并通过具体的作品事例阐述了申圭植创作中的亡国奴悲痛的心情,对故乡的思念,对日本帝国主义的愤怒,渴望主权恢复的意志,,对中国国民的怜悯,对资产阶级民主主义革命的政治觉醒,以及对英雄人物的赞美。 他的诗饱含着战胜一切困难,实现祖国独立的迫切愿望。 亡国和流亡只能令先觉者对民族的爱变得更加炽热。作为一名异邦人留在中国,自然会深深地怀念能够实现完整自我的祖国和故乡。他艺术地表现了居无定所四处漂泊的流民生活产生的流亡的悲痛和盼望回归故国的思乡情怀,并通过讴歌民族之魂加以排遣。不过,他并没有停留在对不幸的民族命运的叹息和悲哀之中,而是表现出了超越悲壮,克服现实,拯救国家的希望。 他的诗表现出了实现独立和恢复主权的强烈意志。 他深刻认识到亡国的原因在于日本帝国主义的殖民统治,在中国过着流亡生活的同时,积极投身到恢复国家主权、争取祖国独立的实践斗争中。他以强烈的救国意志编写出了《韩国通史》、《李舜臣传》、《安重根传》等著作,表达了对殉国先烈的敬仰之情,宣传民族历史,鼓舞、激励同志们。他还成立博达学院,、保定军官学校、南京海军学校、云南军官学校等,致力于对青年人的思想教育。他怀着文章救国意识不遗余力地为了民族尽心尽责,完成了作为一名国魂级的爱国者肩负的使命。在他的诗中,那种爱国爱民族的精神和实践意志体现得淋漓尽致。 第三,他的诗超越了狭隘的民族主义的局限,表现出了宽广的国际主义思想。 他流亡中国不是为了个人的荣华富贵和安全,而是为了拯救国家和民族。他在异国他乡排遣着亡国悲痛的同时,也主动和中国革命党人进行交往。他留下的宝贵汉诗真实地再现了辛亥革命前后中国的时代状况。充分表现了他与孙中山、宋教仁、黄兴、陈其美等中国革命党人的友谊,展现了一位克服狭隘民族主义的流亡者的国际主义思想。 他虽然是用汉文创作的作品,但不可否认在诗的深层蕴含着近代意识。因而尽管采用的是陈旧的形式,但在内容上却可以纳入到朝鲜民族的近代文学之中。在这点上,在民族遭遇不幸的历史时期,民族诗人申圭植全身心地投入到救国救民的事业当中的那种精神和文学价值值得高度评价。 总之,申圭植尽管流亡海外,但并没有失去自己的根本,在跨越国境融入完全不同的社会过程中,依然保持着对故国的不尽的爱恋,并通过文学手段将其形象化,对开创和发展离散文学做出了贡献。
[Abstract]:In the first half of this paper , the author explores the creation background of Shen Guyu ' s poems and the ideological tendency of choosing the path of the dead .
This thesis traces the life locus of Shen Gui ' s planting , traces his independent sports activities in China , and examines the course of his political mission . The paper also focuses on the social background of his works , the communication with the Chinese revolutionaries , and the influence of the " South Society " cultural group on the literary creation of Shen Guanxi .
This paper reviews the characteristics of Shen Guyu ' s discrete complex in three aspects , such as the thoughts of the exiles , the grief of the anti - Japanese aspirations and the internationalism and the discrete complex , and expounds the feelings of the grief of the national slaves in the creation of Shen Guyu ' s works , the will of the Japanese imperialism , the will to restore the sovereignty , the mercy of the Chinese nationals , the political awakening to the bourgeois democratic revolution , and the praise of the heroes .
His poetry is full of the urgent desire to overcome all difficulties and realize the independence of the motherland .
The exiles and exoduses can only make the sense of the nation ' s love become more hot . As a heretic stay in China , the country and the homeland that can realize the complete self can be deeply missed . He has shown the exile of the homeless people living everywhere , and hopes to return to the homeland of the homeland . However , he does not stay in the sigh and sorrow of the tragic national destiny , but shows the hope of going beyond sorrow , overcoming the reality and saving the country .
His poems show a strong will to achieve independence and sovereignty .
He also founded Boda College , held military academy , Nanjing Navy school , Yunnan military official school , etc . , and committed to the ideological education of young people . He also established Boda College , held military academy , Nanjing Naval Academy , Yunnan military academy , etc . , and completed his mission as a soul - level Patriot . In his poems , the patriotic love of the nation ' s spirit and practice will be reflected vividly .
Third , his poems transcend the limits of narrow nationalism and show broad internationalism .
He exiled the country not for the glory and safety of the individual , but to save the nation and the nation . He sent his country and nation to save the country and the nation . His valuable Han poems faithfully reproduced the state of the Chinese revolution before and after the Revolution of 1911 . The friendship between him and the Chinese revolutionaries , such as Sun Yat - sen , Song , Huang Xing , Chen , and so on , demonstrated the internationalism thought of an exile who overcame the narrow nationalism .
Although he is a works created by Han , it is undeniable that modern consciousness is contained in the deep part of the poetry . Therefore , although the old form is adopted , it can be incorporated into the modern literature of the Korean nation . In this regard , the spirit and literary value of the national poet Shen Gusik devoted to the cause of the salvation of the nation are highly valued at the time of the tragic history of the nation .
In short , Shen Guyu , despite the exile abroad , has not lost its own fundamental , in the process of completely different social processes across the country , it still maintains the endless love of the homeland , and through literary means , it has made a contribution to the creation and development of the discrete literature .
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