本文选题:语法隐喻 + 概念语法隐喻 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:隐喻现象非常普遍,它不仅存在于语言的词汇层面,也存在于语法层面。系统功能语言学派的创始人韩礼德在1985年出版的《功能语法入门》最后一章中首次提出语法隐喻这一概念。基于概念元功能和人际元功能,韩礼德将语法隐喻分为概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻。韩礼德认为,名词化是构建概念语法隐喻最有力的方法和来源;人际语法隐喻又可以进一步分为情态和语气隐喻的隐喻。在韩礼德看来,,语法隐喻现象是一切成人语篇的特色,完全不出现语法隐喻的现象只可能存在于儿童语篇或话语之中。韩礼德的语法隐喻(GM)得到越来越广泛的重视和普及。近年来,许多国内外学者和专家就韩礼德的语法隐喻理论在各种具体语篇中进行了大量的研究,为语法隐喻的发展作出了巨大贡献。 同样的,众多国内外学者也对查尔斯·狄更斯最具影响力的作品之一《远大前程》进行了多方面的研究,例如在翻译、语言风格等方面。然而,从语法隐喻视角对名著的原本及简写本进行对比分析的相关研究则相对不足。实际上,《远大前程》的原本及简写本的语言特点存在许多不同之处,尤其是在语法隐喻的使用上。因此,本文以韩礼德的语法隐喻为理论框架,对狄更斯的《远大前程》原本及简写版本进行对比分析。通过收集《远大前程》原本与简写本的文本资料,以韩礼德语法隐喻为理论指导,笔者旨在分析并比较两个版本之间在语法隐喻方面的差异,以及简写本如何实现简化的效果从而满足目标读者的需要。笔者希望自己的努力可以为语法隐喻在《远大前程》原本及简写本对比研究方面做出贡献,并希望能够为其他以语法隐喻为理论框架来研究名著原本和简写本的学者贡献自己的一份力量。
[Abstract]:Metaphor is very common. It exists not only at the lexical level of language, but also at the grammatical level. Halliday, the founder of the systemic functional language School, first proposed the concept of grammatical metaphor in the last chapter of introduction to functional Grammar published in 1985. Based on conceptual metafunctions and interpersonal metafunctions, Halliday divides grammatical metaphors into conceptual grammatical metaphors and interpersonal grammatical metaphors. Halliday argues that nominalization is the most powerful method and source for constructing conceptual grammatical metaphors and interpersonal grammatical metaphors can be further divided into modal and modal metaphors. In Halliday's view, grammatical metaphor is the characteristic of all adult discourse, and the phenomenon of no grammatical metaphor can only exist in children's discourse or discourse. Halliday's grammatical metaphor (GM) has been paid more and more attention to and popularized. In recent years, many scholars and experts at home and abroad have done a lot of research on Halliday's grammatical metaphor theory in various specific texts, which has contributed greatly to the development of grammatical metaphor. Similarly, many scholars at home and abroad have studied one of Charles Dickens' most influential works, Great expectations, for example in translation, language style and so on. However, the contrastive analysis of the original and abbreviated works from the perspective of grammatical metaphor is relatively inadequate. In fact, there are many differences between the original and abbreviated versions of Great expectations, especially in the use of grammatical metaphors. Therefore, taking Halliday's grammatical metaphor as the theoretical framework, this paper makes a comparative analysis of Dickens' original and abbreviated versions of Great expectations. By collecting the original and abbreviated texts of Great expectations, and guided by Halliday's grammatical metaphor, the author aims to analyze and compare the differences between the two versions in terms of grammatical metaphors. And how the shorthand book can achieve the simplified effect to meet the needs of the target readers. The author hopes that his own efforts can contribute to the contrastive study of the original and abbreviated texts of Great expectations. It also hopes to contribute to other scholars who use grammatical metaphor as the theoretical framework to study the original and abbreviated works.
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