本文选题:聚会 + 单纯 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:爱尔兰女作家安妮·恩莱特被誉为二十世纪九十年代以来爱尔兰最有前途的作家之一。2007年,恩莱特凭借作品《聚会》获得英国布克奖,成为第二位获得该奖的爱尔兰女作家。小说分为三十九个章节,作者用想象和回忆,运用意识流手法,以女性视角描写了一个普通爱尔兰大家庭三代人的伤痛与救赎。国外学者将研究重心放在小说的主题、心理分析、宗教色彩和写作手法上。国内只有两篇书评,因此对此小说还有很大的研究空间。本文在已有的研究基础上,分析了女主人公薇罗妮卡痛苦挣扎的心路成长历程。 论文分为五章。第一章介绍本研究的目的和意义、《聚会》的内容、国内外的研究现状以及本研究的研究方法和论文的框架。第二章探索了薇罗妮卡在哥哥死前的生活。通过分析薇罗妮卡的童年、青春期、和婚后的生活,指明薇罗妮卡在哥哥死前是一个单纯乐观的女性。第三章分析了薇罗妮卡在哥哥死后的挣扎,她怨恨外婆和母亲,对丈夫也有诸多不满,在与亲人的纠结中,薇罗妮卡发现了母亲和外婆生活的艰辛、她们在生活重压之下的坚韧与坚强。第四章主要分析了女主人公对亲情和对生命新的理解,学会了宽容。爱情与亲情的回归给予了薇罗妮卡面对未来的勇气和信心。第五章是对全文的总结。
[Abstract]:Anne Enwright, an Irish woman writer, is regarded as one of the most promising Irish writers since the 1990s. In 2007, Enlette won the British Booker Prize for her work "gathering" and became the second Irish woman writer to win it. The novel is divided into 39 chapters. The author describes the pain and redemption of an ordinary Irish family for three generations by imagination and recollection, using stream of consciousness and female perspective. Foreign scholars focus on the theme of the novel, psychoanalysis, religious color and writing techniques. There are only two book reviews in China, so there is still a lot of room for research on this novel. On the basis of existing research, this paper analyzes the growing process of Veronica's painful struggle. The paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the purpose and significance of this study, the content of "gathering", the current research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and the framework of the paper. Chapter two explores Veronica's life before her brother's death. By analyzing Veronica's childhood, adolescence, and married life, Veronica is a purely optimistic woman before her brother's death. Chapter three analyzes Veronica's struggle after her brother's death. She resents her grandmother and mother, and she also has a lot of dissatisfaction with her husband. In the struggle with her relatives, Veronica finds the hardship of her mother and grandmother's life. Their fortitude and strength under the weight of life. Chapter four analyzes the heroine's understanding of family and life, and learns tolerance. The return of love and affection gives Veronica the courage and confidence to face the future. The fifth chapter is a summary of the full text.
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