发布时间:2018-07-17 08:43
【摘要】:“二元对立”原则是著名语言学家索绪尔创立结构主义语言学的理论基础。作为结构主义语言学的文本分析方法,二元对立分析法广泛存在于中外文学著作中,它成为一种切实可行的文本分析方法。我们对体现二元对立内涵的文学作品进行研究时,二元对立分析法无疑有助于我们能更全面、更深入地去发掘作品的内涵和艺术精髓。 《大师与玛格丽特》的作者布尔加科夫是19世纪末20世纪初伟大的俄罗斯作家,阅读这位作家的作品会让我们的灵魂受到强烈的震撼。《大师与玛格丽特》是他历经12年创作的作品,这部小说也是20世纪一部影响颇深的作品。小说中现实时空、历史时空、虚幻时空交叉出现,,作者用超现实的手法和极其细腻的心理描写方法刻画了一幕幕怪诞的、富于哲学韵味的故事情节。尽管《大师与玛格丽特》被很多学者认定为是一部魔幻性质的小说,但从其内容、人物形象分析和写作目的来看,它都是一部十分完美的含有宗教情节的小说,特别是在对耶稣信仰问题的思考上,对生与死、善与恶的诠释上。 本文以《大师与玛格丽特》这部作品作为研究对象,采用二元对立的方法,选取小说中几组对立元素,探讨该部文学作品中人物形象和情节所影射的深层含义。 论文总共三章,第1章是论文的理论基础部分,简要介绍结构主义语言学及其理论基础——“二元对立”原则,以及“二元对立”原则和文本分析之间的关系。第2、3章是本文的重点部分,分别分析了小说中人物形象和故事情节所涉及到的几组对立元素,即本我与超我,善与恶,生与死,真与假。 第2章《人物形象中的“二元对立”》。将从本我与超我,善与恶这两组对立进行分析。前者是小说中最基本的一对对立,也是最明显的一组对立。本章第一节论述本我与超我的对立不仅仅是简单地揭示人的内心矛盾这一问题,而是要在他们身上挖掘更深层的内容。本章选举的典型代表是彼拉多,他是一个感情世界极其丰富的人,尤其在处死约书亚之后,他内心的纠结、良心的谴责,同时也体现了另外一组对立元素,即善与恶;而本节另一位典型代表就是我们书中唯一的一位女性——玛格丽特,她的身上集合着两种力量,即圣洁的爱和魔鬼的妖力,她突破了自我内心的挣扎,为了爱情放弃了一切,她既展现了俄罗斯传统女性的美,也表现出了妖女不计一切后果、敢爱敢恨的一面。本章第二组对立——善与恶,也是利用了两个人物来分析这一组对立,即善的代表——约书亚,恶的代表——沃兰德。本章的重点是在沃兰德这个人物分析上,虽然他是魔鬼,但是他并不是纯恶的代表,他甚至还体现上帝的意志,惩恶扬善。 第3章《故事情节中的“二元对立”》。分析了两组对立:生与死、真与假。原罪可以导致“死”,救赎可以成全“生”,所以本章先用原罪与救赎这一对概念来诠释生与死,紧接着分析死亡与再生,即从宗教角度来分析这部小说中的情节,这一情节是基督教中人们的信仰,而小说中大师与玛格丽特的死亡与再生,其实是作者对美好生活的向往。分析另一组对立元素真与假时:由小说中两个故事情节入手,其中一个是圣经的真假问题,另外一个是上帝是否存在的问题。本章并不是纯粹的探讨这两个问题是真是假,而是从这个对立点切入,分析作者创作这部小说的真实意图。 本文从细处着眼,运用二元对立原则,分析了小说中几对对立的元素,我们不难看出作者安排文本的心思是如何完美地体现在这些元素的交叉与对立中,同时我们也拨开了这些“糖果的外衣”,理解了复杂文字下的深层内涵。 在解读和分析《大师与玛格丽特》这部集魔幻、现实和宗教于一身的巨作时,“二元对立”原则是重要方法之一,它也为我们开启了一个分析这部小说的新视野。
[Abstract]:The principle of "two yuan antagonism" is the theoretical basis of the famous linguist Saussure. As a text analysis method of structuralist linguistics, the two element analysis method is widely used in Chinese and foreign literary works. It becomes a practical method of text analysis. We have made a literary work on the connotation of the opposition of two yuan. When the product is studied, the two element analysis method will undoubtedly help us to explore the connotation and artistic essence of the work more comprehensively and deeply.
< master and Margaret > author Bulgakov is a great Russian writer at the end of the nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century. Reading the writer's works will make our soul strong. < master and Margaret > is his 12 year work. This novel is also a deeply influenced work in twentieth Century. Historical time and space, the illusion of space and time intersected, the author portrays a weird and philosophical story with a surreal way and a very delicate psychological description. Although the master and Margaret are identified by many scholars as a magic novel, the content, figure analysis and writing purpose are made. Look, it is a very perfect novel with religious plot, especially in the interpretation of Jesus's belief, on the interpretation of life and death, good and evil.
Taking the works of "master and Margaret" as the research object, this article uses the two opposing methods to select several opposing elements in the novel and discuss the deep meaning of the image and plot in the literary works.
The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical basis of the thesis. It briefly introduces the structural linguistics and its theoretical basis, the principle of "two yuan antagonism", and the relationship between the principle of "two yuan antagonism" and the text analysis. Chapter 2,3 is the key part of this article, and analyzes the characters and plot in the novel. Several opposing elements, namely, ID and superego, good and evil, life and death, true and false.
The second chapter, "the two yuan antagonism" in the figure, will be analyzed from the two opposing sides of the two pairs, the superego, the good and the evil. The former is the most basic pair of opposites in the novel, but also the most obvious group of opposites. The typical representative of this chapter is Pilate. He is a very rich person in the emotional world, especially after the death of Joshua, his inner entanglement and conscience, as well as another set of opposing elements, good and evil, and the other typical representative of this section is the only one in our book. A woman, Margaret, has two forces on her body, the holy love and the devil's power. She breaks through the struggle of her heart and gives up everything for the sake of love. She shows the beauty of the traditional Russian women, and shows the side of the demon without all the consequences. The second groups of opposites in this chapter are good and good. Evil is also the use of two characters to analyze this group of opposites, that is, the representative of the good - Joshua, the representative of evil - voland. The emphasis of this chapter is on the character analysis of voland, although he is the devil, but he is not a representative of pure evil, and he even embodies the will of the emperor and the punishment of the evil.
The third chapter, "the two yuan antagonism" in the plot of the story, analyzes the two groups of opposites: life and death, true and false. The original sin can lead to "death" and the redemption can complete "life". So this chapter first interprets life and death with the concept of original sin and redemption, and then analyses death and regeneration, that is, the plot of this novel is analyzed from the religious point of view. One plot is the belief of the people in Christianity, and the death and rebirth of the master and Margaret in the novel is actually the author's yearning for a better life. The analysis of another set of true and false elements of the opposite elements: two stories in the story, one is the true and false of the Bible, and the other is the question of whether God exists. It is not purely a discussion of the two questions that are true or false, but from the opposite point of view, analyzing the author's intention to create the novel.
This article analyses several opposing elements in the novel, using the principle of two elements and the principle of opposites. It is not difficult to see how the author's thought of arranging the text is perfectly reflected in the intersecting and antagonism of these elements. At the same time, we also put aside these "sweets" and understand the deep connotation under the complex characters.
In the interpretation and analysis of the masterpieces of magic, reality and religion, the great works of magic, reality and religion, the principle of "two yuan antagonism" is one of the most important methods, and it also opens a new perspective for us to analyze the novel.
[Abstract]:The principle of "two yuan antagonism" is the theoretical basis of the famous linguist Saussure. As a text analysis method of structuralist linguistics, the two element analysis method is widely used in Chinese and foreign literary works. It becomes a practical method of text analysis. We have made a literary work on the connotation of the opposition of two yuan. When the product is studied, the two element analysis method will undoubtedly help us to explore the connotation and artistic essence of the work more comprehensively and deeply.
< master and Margaret > author Bulgakov is a great Russian writer at the end of the nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century. Reading the writer's works will make our soul strong. < master and Margaret > is his 12 year work. This novel is also a deeply influenced work in twentieth Century. Historical time and space, the illusion of space and time intersected, the author portrays a weird and philosophical story with a surreal way and a very delicate psychological description. Although the master and Margaret are identified by many scholars as a magic novel, the content, figure analysis and writing purpose are made. Look, it is a very perfect novel with religious plot, especially in the interpretation of Jesus's belief, on the interpretation of life and death, good and evil.
Taking the works of "master and Margaret" as the research object, this article uses the two opposing methods to select several opposing elements in the novel and discuss the deep meaning of the image and plot in the literary works.
The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical basis of the thesis. It briefly introduces the structural linguistics and its theoretical basis, the principle of "two yuan antagonism", and the relationship between the principle of "two yuan antagonism" and the text analysis. Chapter 2,3 is the key part of this article, and analyzes the characters and plot in the novel. Several opposing elements, namely, ID and superego, good and evil, life and death, true and false.
The second chapter, "the two yuan antagonism" in the figure, will be analyzed from the two opposing sides of the two pairs, the superego, the good and the evil. The former is the most basic pair of opposites in the novel, but also the most obvious group of opposites. The typical representative of this chapter is Pilate. He is a very rich person in the emotional world, especially after the death of Joshua, his inner entanglement and conscience, as well as another set of opposing elements, good and evil, and the other typical representative of this section is the only one in our book. A woman, Margaret, has two forces on her body, the holy love and the devil's power. She breaks through the struggle of her heart and gives up everything for the sake of love. She shows the beauty of the traditional Russian women, and shows the side of the demon without all the consequences. The second groups of opposites in this chapter are good and good. Evil is also the use of two characters to analyze this group of opposites, that is, the representative of the good - Joshua, the representative of evil - voland. The emphasis of this chapter is on the character analysis of voland, although he is the devil, but he is not a representative of pure evil, and he even embodies the will of the emperor and the punishment of the evil.
The third chapter, "the two yuan antagonism" in the plot of the story, analyzes the two groups of opposites: life and death, true and false. The original sin can lead to "death" and the redemption can complete "life". So this chapter first interprets life and death with the concept of original sin and redemption, and then analyses death and regeneration, that is, the plot of this novel is analyzed from the religious point of view. One plot is the belief of the people in Christianity, and the death and rebirth of the master and Margaret in the novel is actually the author's yearning for a better life. The analysis of another set of true and false elements of the opposite elements: two stories in the story, one is the true and false of the Bible, and the other is the question of whether God exists. It is not purely a discussion of the two questions that are true or false, but from the opposite point of view, analyzing the author's intention to create the novel.
This article analyses several opposing elements in the novel, using the principle of two elements and the principle of opposites. It is not difficult to see how the author's thought of arranging the text is perfectly reflected in the intersecting and antagonism of these elements. At the same time, we also put aside these "sweets" and understand the deep connotation under the complex characters.
In the interpretation and analysis of the masterpieces of magic, reality and religion, the great works of magic, reality and religion, the principle of "two yuan antagonism" is one of the most important methods, and it also opens a new perspective for us to analyze the novel.
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